The Origin of Mediocracy It is interesting to know how competition has penetrated [1] the artist's mind knowing that competition concerns only similarities, not differences [2] that art and music (should) produce [3]. Art and music exist by producing differences (otherwise they disappear). Today, the foundation of the sense of art and music has disappeared: we are living in a world invaded of copies. The neo-liberalism (= anarcho-capitalism = aggressivity in business by blackmail) ideology started to behave in art and music at the end of the 70s of the 20th century. In the 80s everybody was submerged and trapped inside the economic blackmail ideology: most of people and artist and musicians was and still are possessed by the competition producing similarities. Notice that singers (in business competition) sound all the same [4]. Being original and unique (in art and music production) was and still is not any more the criterion to be "selected" by the audience-customers, to be sold. The fake artist has to sold his/her product by accumulating millions of "like" (sic) and millions of dollars. But why living to be sold? Most of the real artists (not sold, neither blackmailed) are living outside of this aggressive blackmailed system ("out of the grid"); if not, they couldn't create any art and music. And what it is shown to people to be sold on the global market is not (any more) art and music. [5] The known business law's proportion for any product to sell and to be sold has to be at maximum: 80% of similarities (= usual) and 20% of differences (= "new" sic), in fact closer to 90/10%. The law for a product to be sold to customers cannot be 100% original and unique, i.e.: it cannot be (a real work of) art and music. 100% of unknown, cannot be sold. So: WHAT IS MUSIC TODAY? MUSIC IS REMIXED VINTAGE SONGS! (from before the 80s = before the contamination epidemic and "free of copyright", sic). And classical music before the 20th century, and classical jazz before the 60s (before the Jazz started to be the Free Jazz). It is know now that the global aggressive business destroys the sense of art and music (replaced by fake art = illusory pictures, and fake music = big impressive sound). It is a fact: business market forces to produce copies to be sold. A unique model is unsaleable to masses. Enrichment is only achieved with the masses of the poor people. Business forces to produce similarities (quasi ) to compete, and forcing to avoid differences (to erase the too much strong personality of the artist to become standard = morally approved) that cannot compete to be sold. Business market works only with blackmail to force something happens: the profit (that harm people: everybody). We know that this globalized business puts people in danger (= creating injuries, handicaps, deaths, pains, and put 90% of human beings in lack of basic necessities, to stay properly alive: with proper water, enough food, and safe home). This is how human world works since 40 years (from the end of the 70s of the 20th century for art and music). It interesting to notice and to record, how life on our planet can be destroyed so fast (in a century) by an ideology! The ideology of global business competition. And how far we are possessed by the ideology of business competition to feel it "natural". Look how the British empire (of music lovers) destroyed its own music! Followed by all other nations in competition. Greed is proportional to the fear to lack [6] Notes [1] infected [2] It is impossible to compete differences. (Because there is nothing to compare). Differences produce varieties, peace and freedom. Similarities (copies) produce and increase aggressivity, and sustain hostilities in permanent war. [3] Why to produce differences? Art and music exist because they create differences by making original piece of art and original music. Producing copies = similarities it is what the market produce to compete prices of a similar product with an aggressive intention of selling everything at the best price. This competition creates economical war. The problem? This game puts lives in danger (including the live of the businessmen, believing they are protected in their bunkers!). [4] where Madonna is the iconic model, and pattern copied and recopied of the ideal false singer-dancer-business-women. (Michael Jackson was just a puppet of the music market industry). [5] The cinema (first an art) became "the ideal art" (= an industry) in this business world; selling dreams everybody buys, especially the teens (in need of massive entertainment to forget the nightmare of this real hostile social life). The cinema industry generates so much money that every human activity, as sold fake art and sold fake music, are attached and non-detachable to the cinema industry. A massive global monopoly conducted by the Americans since the 2d Wold War. [6] and has the unfortunate habit to ruin everything by consuming. Post Scriptum Why I wrote this text in English being born French? English is the language of aggressive business ideology that infects the humans' world. And destroyed Art, Music and Science (the knowledge, because to buy you have to be stupid = an ignorant follower). Mathius Shadow-Sky