t h e _ B i o n i c _ R e f u g e _ H a r p _ a r c h i t e c t u r e _ c h a l l e n g i n g _ r e f u g e _ c o n c e p t _ f o r _ h u m a n _ m i n d
Ourdission generation II is open permanently
and her access is free of charge.
Everybody can come in Ourdission
every time of the day and night
to rest and
to experience imagination - which include reality -
with Ourdission's music of sound, of light, of odors, and of climate.

Construction part:
1. underground foundation in concrete to maintain the building Ourdission generation 2 with 100 people inside.
2. under the entire building an ornemental lack with variable speed of running water with reflective inner surface.
3. the habitation itself in inflatable structure with pneumatic floor made with interactive textile.
4. 2 drum door and access wood ramp.
















© Le Centre De La Bombe, July 2000