Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Orchestras
are building an other age for symphonic music since 1996
mixing and sharing opposite cultures in trans-syn-phônê music

Syn-phônê NO8
"What title should I give? is the title of the Temporary Title"
by the Berliner TSO.
Mathius Shadow-Sky at



Principles of the SYN-PHÔNÊ NO8 :
"What title should I give? is the title of the Temporary Title [TSO=lOST is: TTT]"
creation by the
Berliner Transkulturell Syn-phônê Orkester

which assembles around 100 musicians
of arts and sound from all foreign communities in Berlin.


by Mathius Shadow-Sky
The pleasure to play together with 100 friends, free music.
(composer, conductor and TCSO creator around the world).



•|•> Presentation. The Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Orchestra: TCSO are huge symphonic orchestra composed minimally with 100 musicians of arts and sound coming from different cultures of our planet. Its principle is to couple, to confront and to synthesize these different cultures and musical genre in a same "symphony" (from old Greek syn-phônê that means "together in sound at the same time"). The Trans-Cultural Syn-Phônê Orchestra accepts all musicians from arts and sound, without prejudice having the desire to invest her and himself in creation of the Syn-phônê NO8. Because it is its focus: the pleasure to improvise together among 100 friends, a free music of genre in spending a good time all together.


•>|<• History and experience. The syn-phônês NO1 and NO2 were created respectively in 1996 (date of TCSO creation following Le Centre De La Bombe politics of ravished collective production) and in 1997 in Forgues during the XIIIth festival Lezards de l'Etrange organised by Le Centre De La Bombe Toulouse. To see and listen some parts of the 2 first syn-phônês NO1 et NO2 in mp3 format, go to the centrebombe free netlabel. The 7 others Syn-phônê are in preparation.


•> Where and when. The Syn-phônê NO8 of the Berliner Trans-Cultural Syn-Phônê Orchestra will happen in fall 2007 in Berlin in a place we will find – the Volksbühne should be the place - that could welcome hundred musicians for rehearsal in the afternoon, and the concert in the evening of the Syn-phônê NO8, then the banquet. The concert date will be fixed when the Berliner TSO will be constituted.

<•> Pleasure. We play for us, for our pleasure and for free. The release of the Syn-phônê NO8, will take one day of your life.


+•> Money. There is no fee (if there is no grants). The syn-phônê NO8 will be recorded professionally by Le Centre De La Bombe and will be archived on CD master and mp3 format to listen in the centre of the bomb web site like the two last Syn-phônê. For those who want to make a duplication of the CD, they will invest the necessary money for CD duplication. The CD will be labelled under Le Disque Du Centre De La Bombe.


•|•> Orchestra constitution. By mouth to ear or by copying this presentation and by distributing it to everybody. The syn-phônê infector, Mathius Shadow-Sky starts the syn-phônê epidemic this Oktober 2006. You, who receive this document, copy it, and send it to your friends who should be seduced by the Berliner TSO Syn-phônê NO8 project. All foreign communities and all styles of art and sound music (electronic, traditional, rock, classical, contemporary, techno, jazz, pop, noisy, sound effect maker, DJ, computer, poetry, spoken word artists, loud speakers, actors, sound designer, dancer, puppet players, plastic artists, video artists, architect-builders, photo-graphs, sculptors, lighters, chefs cookers, etc.) in Berlin should be represented by the Berliner TSO. We recruit without prejudice in all nations in Berlin and elsewhere, musicians of arts and sound, adults young old children, amateurs and professionals who desire to participate to the unique creation of the big Syn-phônê NO8. 100 musicians of art and sound isn't a limitation but a minimum for the Berliner TSO.


+>• musicians of art. All musicians of art (= plastic artists, dancers, actors, painters, sculptors, chef, live painting, video, light, etc.: real-time art with no sound) will be in the orchestra among musicians of sound, They will create their works on collective "supports" during the Syn-phônê NO8 on theme of tha syn-phônê title: " t e m p o r a r y t i t l e ".


<•\/•> Registration. Each musician of arts and sound who desire to participate to the Berliner Trans-Cultural Syn-Phônê Orchestra: Syn-phônê NO8 creation, send his register by web registration , or by e-mail to Don't forget to write which instrument of art or of music you play, how it is played or manipulated, and some sound or picture example of your work you would like to use in the Syn-phônê NO8. All creators of arts in real-time are all welcome.
Example of de-generated arts by hands or other body manipulations, of sound, of modelling materials, of iron, of video, of wood, of skins, of film, of rocks, of plants, of slides, of colours, of breath, of strings, of faces, of winds, of coloured dust, of odour, of temperature, of lights, of houses, of foods, etc. Paper musical instrument too for example.


••> The conductor. Mathius Shadow-Sky is a focuser who incites and encourages each musician of arts and sound to mix and share its own culture with others.


|•> the Syn-phônê NO8 composition: with the constitution of the orchestra and its "data", i will compose the multisonic and multigraphic path of the Syn-phônê NO8 with each intervention. This "path" (= a score understandable by everybody) of the Berliner Trans-kulturell Syn-Phônê Orkester's Syn-Phônê NO8 will use personal technical playing of each artist of the orchestra. Everybody in the Syn-Phônê has the freedom to grew up his/her own personal musical playing in the context of the Syn-phônê NO8: "an individual playing in a collective game".


•|• Mathius Shadow-Sky conducting, will consist to control and mix 5 main parameters in orchestra plus 1 very very important:
-1----- The moments of events' appearance and disappearing for individual or group of musicians or for the total orchestra.
--2---- The control of the polyphony path of tempi: different speed from 1 to 3: from local to global beat,
---3--- The dynamic in local or global grouping of the orchestra.
----4-- The range in local or global grouping of the orchestra.
-----5- The three-dimensional events movement in space.
------6------------- And the most important, extract emotion from the Berliner TSO.
Special playing technique, particular scales, and rhythms foundation of the Syn-phônê NO8 will be given in advance with the path to everybody.


•|> Stage Berliner TSO placement. Each musician of the Berliner TSO will be placed heterogeneously to obtain 3D moving sound effect in the concert hall. This placement will Depend of musicians differences and similarities. A schematic will be establish to indicate the exact place of each musician of arts and sound.


ø|•> The party. All Syn-phônês of all Trans-Cultural Syn-Phônê Orchestra are a party and the NO8 will be not an exception to this rule. A banquet for everybody will be prepared by everybody at the same place where the Syn-Phônê NO8 was played.


•|||•> The program will be organized in 3 steps:
-1-. Rehearsal of the Syn-Phônê NO8,
--2-. Concert of the Syn-Phônê NO8,
---3-. Banquet (long tables with banshees) with good food and wine for everybody.


-|•> The rehearsal
1. build a body movements code of conducting between the conductor and musicians and artists of the Berliner TSO,
2. train contact between different artistic and musical techniques from different culture in the Berliner TSO.
3. learn a certain way and manner to play in huge group of individualities,
4. make feel relax each musician and artist to the trans-cultural play: free and intuitive,


>!< Truism. Naturally, each artist brings his/her own instrument and equipment and materials to perform in the Berliner Trans-kulturell Syn-phônê Orkester.


|P>• Audience, may be active in the Syn-Phônê NO8. As a choir: it will be invited by the conductor to sing with onomatopoeias with the music of the orchestra like for the Syn-Phônê NO1. In the public-choir, it's possible to have professional singers ready to assist non trained voices like in the Syn-Phônê NO2.


••• DVD. This event will be professionally recorded by Le Centre De La Bombe and produced as a DVD (that depend if we will find somebody to film) and a permanent diffusion at le centre de la bombe web site in mpeg and mp3 format. The Syn-Phônê NO8 will joint the collection of the past syn-phônês produced by Le Centre De La Bombe.


•|> Berliner TSO Method:
1. Find a free place for one day, welcoming the Berliner TSO, a place enough open to access everybody for the concert and the banquet - generally a church for its acoustic -. Entrance is, naturally, free of charge.
2. Copy and paste this document to get more artists involved in the Berliner TSO's Syn-Phônê NO8.
3. The constitution of the Berliner TSO done, i'm writing the Syn-Phônê NO8 (a schematic score understandable by everybody, even musicians who doesn't read Western music).
4. Date of the event: in fall 2007.
5. All musicians of arts and sound of the Berliner TSO come in the morning of the show to install their equipment.
6. General rehearsal at 2pm.
7. Concert of the Syn-phônê NO8,
8. the banquet after the concert.
9. professional recording of the Syn-phônê NO8 and production of the DVD with web pages at Le Centre De La Bombe web site.


|•|•| Help. EVERYBODY


The Trans-Cultural Syn-Phônê Orchestra is open to everybody, musicians professionals and amateurs, and visual artists, actors, poets from all different worlds of art and music, culture and genre with passions of exploration, with each own particular personal technique to perform her/his instruments or voice or art.
"The Trans-Cultural Syn-Phônê Orchestra creates a particular friendly melting-pot symphonic art music. This is the sound of the Trans-Cultural Syn-Phônê Orchestra: an open music, a pleasure. The TCSO doesn't put musicians in a serious disposal and refuses this aspect of music. To play with the Trans-Cultural Syn-Phônê Orchestra is a great feeling of freedom and emotion for everyone. Together all musicians with audience it's a continuous enjoyment of music and art discovering out of established rules.
•• "For each Syn-Phônê Mathius Shadow-Sky creates a new composition and conducts with particular gestures according to artists of the orchestra."

Mathius Shadow-Sky, forgues February, 1996, Berlin Oktober 2006:
"Creation is an act of freedom without any compromise".


copyleft © Le Centre De La Bombe 1996-2007

contact :
Mathius Shadow-Sky
web site:


web page of registered musicians of art and sound for the Berliner TSO