the centrebombe music archives - | flac mp3 jpg avi txt pdf | - download the music from the center of the bomb (OML non commercial)

All materials are for non-commercial andor for educational use only.

For commercial purpose? contact the composer.


We live in freedom, we create music in freedom,
As you wish for you to get out from your slavery.



Centrebombe albums are available for free download since March 2005. As authors, we are contesting all copyright politicy based on capital accumulation on artists' disadvantage. Since 1996, we announced the necessary obsolescence of copyright like it is exploited today: property abuse despoiled by dealers and nations that enhance more mass sellings products to the brainwashed majority than a piece of art to be appreciated by connoisseurs minorities. This contradictory practice of: profit with art, makes that we lost the sens of values: first to live together and not all against all, where we are in perpetual economic war competition with unpleasant survival feeling. STOP. Mainstream music are made of stereotypes, and clichés, for profit. STOP. Audience has regressed, and now understand nothing about original music: audience becomes impervious to unfamiliar music. STOP. Audience curiosity is banished by its own fear, and without curiosity its intelligence dried-up. STOP. It is urgent to understand this Western humanitarian disaster and dangerous situation: the idiocracy and infantilism of our society. STOP.
In a process of medical care, we are proposing a re-stimulator of curiosities through listening uncommon music, here in free download against major companies monopoly policy to tax music on the Internet.


Les disques du centre de la bombe sont disponibles au téléchargement libre depuis mai 2005. En tant qu'auteurs nous contestons toute politique du droit d'auteur basée sur l'accumulation du capital comme le pratique : la SACEM et autres filiales oligarchiques. Depuis 1996, nous annonçons l'obsolescence nécessaire du Droit d'Auteur comme il est exploité aujourd'hui : abus de propriété spolié par les éditeurs et percepteurs de l'oligopole qui valorisent plus le produit vendable qu'une musique de qualité ouvrant sur les horizons du plaisir et du savoir (qui aujourd'hui nous échappent). Cette pratique de produire des bénéfices du profit, a plongé notre société dans une perte de sens et de valeurs : la valeur de vivre « avec » et non de vivre « contre » en compétition en guerre permanente. Nous vivons les uns contre les autres au lieu de vivre les uns avec les autres. Nous avons perdu le sens du don. Et nos intérêts se déchiquettent par l'avidité. Les musiciens illusoirement en vogue et enrichis ne peuvent composer qu'avec des stéréotypes et des clichés, sans quoi ils ne se vendraient pas. Le public a régressé dans le regret de son souvenir et ne comprend plus rien aux arts présents non stéréotypés : il est hermétique à ce qu'il ne connaît plus. Sa curiosité a été bannie par sa peur, et sans curiosité son intelligence se tarit. Il est urgent de se rendre compte de la catastrophe humanitaire de l'Occident (mondiale même) : sa débilisation par un autogavage de mensonges  : la machine à broyer ses idées dans sa tête : la machine à laver sa tête de toute pensée sensée. Nous soupçonnons une autodestruction volontaire de notre civilisation occidentale (comment pourrait-il en être autrement ?) : un suicide de celle-ci (comment peut-il en être autrement ?). Aucune civilisation n'est éternelle, la nôtre du Monde Blanc comprise (fatalisme de lâches). Devons-nous tenter de sauver notre civilisation ? Devons-nous tenter de stopper notre autodestruction ? Devons-nous sortir de nos habitudes serviles débilitantes ? Devons nous sortir de nos habitudes autoritaires réconfortantes ? Devons-nous sortir de nos illusions et de nos croyances et reconstruire notre société dévastée ?
Dans un processus d'artsonique médical nous vous proposons une auscultation exploratoire, un reexciteur de curiosités, a-fin de repercevoir : où nous jouissons à-venir.


- il n'y a pas d'images ?
- non, c'est de la musique.

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The Infinite Collection of the Re:composed 20th Century Avant-garde Music
 no dead line since 1995, for all new re:composers who wish to joint the collection.

1995-2025: 30 years of publishing the recompositions of the 20th century music of avant-garde composers

cover of recomposed collectiondisc label of the recompositions collection

Edgar Varese re:composed by artists in the center of the bomb
total zip file album size: 46Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Gyorgy Ligeti r:ecomposed by artists in the center of the bomb
total zip file album size: 5Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Iannis Xenakis re:composed by artists in the center of the bomb
total zip file album size: 18Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Karlheinz Stockhausen re:composed by artists in the center of the bomb
total zip file album size: 111Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Morton Feldman re:composed by artists in the center of the bomb
total zip file album size: 3Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Pierre Henry re:composed by artists in the center of the bomb
total zip file album size: 21Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Who's next?

Disc jacket
: Disc cover tif 6Mo
: Disc label jpg 6Mo

webpage -






2024 Arnaud Romet invites Myster Shadow-Sky to perform each one then together
          2 créations radiophoniques le 28 juin 2024 en concert public de compositeurs, radio public concert in 3 parts:
             1. Myster Shadow-Sky performs LE TEMPS DE L'ACYCLIQUE NE S'ATTRAPE PAS
             2. Arnaud Romet performs IN THE CURVED HAIR
             3. Arnaud Romet + Myster Shadow-Sky perform SOMETHING HAPPENS TOGETHER

concert in 3 parts: guitars' music in mono, electronic music in quadraphony reduced in stereo dOwnlOad the full live music of the collected media



          A spatial ballet from 6 characteres including the amazing Drag.

music in 4 parts and tracks in octophony and stereo 998Mo dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



          Game music with 47 audio slices of the composition for an orchestra of small percussion recorded in 8 channels to play with it on a piano keyboard

47 octophonic .wav files 895Mo to play and perform with a sampler dOwnlOad the full music game of the collected media



2011 Gherassim Luca & Myster Shadow-Sky - PASSIONNEMENT
          Single with on side A: the song and on side B: the instrumental

2 stereo mp3 files tracks 24Mo dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



          Nonoctave robotic piano recital 1983-2023 conducted by the composer

6 stereo mp3 files tracks 183Mo dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



          Soft Music to sleep well! Concerto for polyscalar guitar submerged by 3 synthetic organic massiveness, all polytrajectorized in space.[STEREO.reduction.OCTO.tracks.on.request]

3 stereo mp3 files from octophonic tracks (on request) 155Mo dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2023 Les Guitares Volantes - TARTARES
          Music by the composer Jean-Yves Bosseur for and performed by the flying electric guitar quartet:
          Stéphane Marcaillou, Laurent Avizou, Mathius Shadow-Sky, Cyrille Marche[OCTO+STEREO.reduction]

music in 12 parts tracks in octophony and stereo 888Mo dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



          myster shadow-sky spatial electric guitar testing how the delay behaves in space trajectories in 5 parts of me on me or I on I.

5 stereo mp3 files from octophonic (on request) tracks 110Mo dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2023 Bogmallow interview Mathius Shadow-Sky sur Radio Campus
          « 44 ans de carrière du compositeur résumé en 1 heure par Bogmallow : conversation avec Mathius Shadow-Sky »

1 stereo track mp3 55'01'' to listen or to dOwnlOad the file 129Mo



2023 Myster Shadow-Sky - GRÉGARITÉ
         Music for keyboards ensemble with a 150 pages book of philosophy

6 stereo mp3 files from (unpublished) octophonic tracks (only on request) 70'04'' dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2022 Les Guitares Volantes - DE HORS LA HORDE ELECTRIQUE
         Outdoor live at Festigal 2022 by the spatial electric guitar core: Laurent Avizou & Mathius Shadow-Sky
         Polytrajectophonic hexaphonic outdoor sound system on 2.5 acre

1 stereo mp3 files 58'30'' dOwnlOad the audio file 68.5Mo



         9th album by the spatial electric guitar core: Laurent Avizou & Mathius Shadow-Sky
         Octophonic (box shape) polytrajectophonic electric duet music for home context

21 audio files: 21 octophonic flac file + 21 stereo mp3 files + suprises + score + cover dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2022 Mathius Shadow-Sky introduit la musique de LA FORME DES FLUX qu'il développe depuis sa 1ère oeuvre en 1979

1 mono mp3 files 34'18'' dOwnlOad the audio file 23Mo



2022 Les Guitares Volantes - LA GRATTE
         8th album by the spatial electric guitar core: Laurent Avizou & Mathius Shadow-Sky
         Octophonic (box shape) polytrajectophonic electric duet music for home context

8 audio files: 8 octophonic flac file + 8 stereo mp3 files + cover dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2022 Les Guitares Volantes - LA GRATTE live electric duet, but not spatial

1 audio files as it is: 69 minutes stereo mp3 files: 81Mo dOwnlOad the concert of the collected media



2021 Myster Shadow-Sky - FROZEN FREEDOM reinstituted

9 audio files: 9 octophonic flac file + 9 stereo mp3 files + cover dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2021 Les Guitares Volantes - ATTRACTIO & REPULSIO
         7th album by the spatial electric guitar quartet: Stéphane Barascud, Stéphane Marcaillou, Laurent Avizou, Mathius Shadow-Sky
         Octophonic (box shape) polytrajectophonic electric orchestral music for home context

13 octophonic flac file + 13 stereo mp3 file + cover + surprises. 7zipped : 1.3Gb, 81:54 dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2021 Les Guitares Volantes + baby Solune - SATURE, il fait fade ici
         6th album by the spatial electric guitar trio: Stéphane Marcaillou, Laurent Avizou, Mathius Shadow-Sky with Solune Shadow-Sky
         Octophonic (box shape) polytrajectophonic electric orchestral music for home context

2 octophonic flac file + 2 stereo mp3 file + cover + surprises. 7zipped : 1.1Gb, 58:24 dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2021 Les Guitares Volantes + Abdeslam Michel Raji - RESPIRE !
         5th album by the spatial electric guitar trio: Stéphane Marcaillou, Laurent Avizou, Mathius Shadow-Sky with Abdeslam Michel Raji
         Octophonic (box shape) polytrajectophonic electric orchestral music for home context

1 octophonic flac file + stereo mp3 file + cover + surprises. 7zipped : 582Mb, 26:12 dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2021 Les Guitares Volantes - jouent Les Ephémèrôdes Cardent des Chrônes
         4th album by the spatial electric guitar trio: Stéphane Marcaillou, Laurent Avizou, Mathius Shadow-Sky for 11 musicians
         Octophonic (box shape) polytrajectophonic electric orchestral music for home context - 63:59

1 octophonic flac file + cover + stereo mp3 file + surprises. 7zipped : 1.02Go, 63:59 dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2021 Myster Shadow-Sky - 2021 Frozen Freedom?

2 audio files: 1 octophonic flac file + 1 stereo mp3 files + cover dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media [abandoned]



2020 Les Guitares Volantes - Mysterium Aerium
         3rd album by the spatial electric guitar trio: Stéphane Marcaillou, Laurent Avizou, Mathius Shadow-Sky
         Octophonic (box shape) polytrajectophonic electric music for home context

2 octophonic flac files + cover + stereo mp3 files + surprises. 7zipped : 1.4Go, 72:36 dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2020 Les Guitares Volantes - Extraaction de la Folie Ordinaire Triomphante
         2d album by the spatial electric guitar quartet: Stéphane Marcaillou, Laurent Avizou, Mathius Shadow-Sky with Luc Ferrari
         performing the score: La Danse des Fous and The Austere Ascetics (believing being wise men)
         Octophonic (box shape) polytrajectophonic electric music for home context

2 octophonic flac files + cover + stereo mp3 files + surprises. 7zipped : 0.9Go, 44:35 dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2020 Les Guitares Volantes - Ni Bête ni Dieu ni monstres
         First album by the spatial electric guitar quartet: Stéphane Barascud, Stéphane Marcaillou, Laurent Avizou, Mathius Shadow-Sky
         performing the score: Neither Beast nor God nor Monsters composed by Mathius Shadow-Sky
         Octophonic (box shape) polytrajectophonic electric music for home context

5 octophonic flac + stereo mp3 files + cover + book + stereo files + surprises. all 7zipped : 1.05Go, 1:02:29 dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2020 Myster Shadow-Sky - Jeux Interdits ?
         2020 remix of the 2002 OVO (= Organized Virtual Orchestra)
         Republished for any musician to perform the 15 minutes Myster Shadow-Sky's concerto: 'Forbidden Joke of Forbidden Games'

1. QUADROphonic OVO [4 wav audio channel music with MIDI score and sampled instruments] 7zip 300Mo
2. OCTOphonic OVO [8 wav audio channel music including the ambiant sounds coloring the concert hall silence] 7zip 500Mo



2020 Vincent Favre + Myster Shadow-Sky + Léa Couzi + Nataly Nato - aLive at Archipel art gallery
         Without the 2 Lamplayers 's archonic lamps, 17 years after the duo reborns! for a friendly pleasant evening.
         Vincent Favre: violin, percussion; Myster Shadow-Sky, electric guitar; Nataly Nato: live drawing graphic score, Léa Couzi: dance.
         Where Nataly Nato draw a music movement graphic score performed live by the dancer and the musicians.

mp3 size: 70Mo 59:42 dOwnlOad the stereo recorded performance by Laurent Avizou
1 photo of composed photos size 1Mo dOwnload the jpg and 4 others: A, B, C, D.



2020 Interviews en série du compositeur par Alexis Sadowski [start 2020]

POD 1. parcours du compositeur en tant qu'introduction à la série des questions [janvier 2020, 44'50''. 84Mo mp3]
POD 2. la fausse note [janvier 2020, 67'46''. 95Mo mp3]
POD 3. la musique qui vague l'espace (titre provisoire)  



2019 Myster Shadow-Sky - VIVRE l'espèce humaine
         First historical spatial instrumental octophonic electric music recorded for domestic pleasure + a book about human condition.

wav size in 12 peaces sorry pieces + cover + book + etc. flac + mp3 7zipped : 3.01Go, 1:53:54 dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2019 Les Guitares Volantes - live in Toulouse
          French premiere of a short version without the choreosonic polytrajectophony and the Flux and the Game part of the music of The Triumphant Beast.
 53.7Mo 28:38 + mp3 size: 25.9Mo 13:49. Diary of the music creation

stereo live recording
mp3 size: 53.7Mo 28:38 dOwnlOad the recorded performance (made by Laurent Avizou) The Triumphant Beast February 17 2019 version
mp3 size: 25.9Mo 13:49 dOwnlOad the recorded performance (made by Laurent Avizou) The Triumphant Beast Extracted February 17 2019 postfinale
15 photos size 17Mo dOwnload the zipped pack of 15 pictures shot by Fabien Le Prieult, the February 17, 2019



2018 Les Guitares Volantes - live in Krakow
          world premiere of The Triumphant Beast at Audio Art with the tridimensional choreosonic device (making flying electric sounds in space)
 Diary of the music creation

mp3 size: 95.85Mo 51:07 dOwnlOad the uncomplete recorded performance (by Laurent Avizou) of The Triumphant Beast premiere November 25 2019

VIDEO 2: 1:47:49 with the beginning makes sense [youtube stereo lofi formated]
VIDEO 1: 1:19:47 same without the beginning does not make sense [youtube stereo lofi formated]



         Silent music to think, music to colour your silence. Page de réflexions, page of thoughts.

total zip material size: 255Mo dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2017 Myster Shadow-Sky - Berlin electronic mix + the acoustic Jinghu (= le concerto du pauvre)
           A pirate/bootleg recording of the Myster Shadow-Sky performance at La Plaque Tournante in Berlin.

mp3 size: 117Mo dOwnlOad the pirate/bootleg recorded performance



2017 Les Guitares Volantes - 1er ENVOL [1rst Take off] Live at Mix'Art
           Timide Untitled Work 1rst Take Off  July 13th, 2017
           A bootleg stereo recording of the polyspatial performance does not give the sensation of being, and listening, and to have sounds going through our bodies, inside the moving space of the Flying Guitars            quartet performance with Stéphane Barascud, Stéphane Marcaillou, Laurent Avizou, and Myster Shadow-Sky. It gives just an idea of how the first take off after 5 days of work had sound this collective            composition. Yes, the music sensation of stereo recorded music has nothing to do with 3D flying sounds in space of the guitar quartet performance.
  Diary of the music creation

stereo live recording
mp3 size: 143Mo dOwnlOad the recorded performance (made by Laurent Avizou)



2017 Myster Shadow-Sky - HUMAN MUSIC
         An unexpected transcultural meeting with the japanese voice Minami Saeki made this album of 6 songs.
         'Its unlistenable human part, to rejoice your sad soul?

total zip material size: 88Mo dOwnlOad the full album of the collected media



2016 TOTAL EXTATIC MUSIC - live at Café Burgaud
         Aloof Proof (e.guitar & digital synthesizer) + Myster Shadow-Sky (e.guitar & pianomorph & analogue synthesizer) + Bertrand Fraysse (percussions and drums)
         Page of TEM

total mp3 material size: 102Mo dOwnlOad the collected media



         A sad story, where the commissioned music by Art Zoyd could not be entirely realized
         (by lack of, will and, money as it is always said, but in fact: censorship to original music.)
         . The diary of the music creation
         . The only recorded 1st movement: THE PRISON (on 4: THE OURDISSION, THE ESCAPE, THE CHASE FOR A DEATH PENALTY)
           1st test recorded at Art Zoyd studio, mixed in stereo at home (not as it should be: in octophony for a flying polyspatial music)
         . The waiting pre-ouverture: Le Paradoxe de l'Air, composed and mixed in stereo at home, in waiting musicians for the concert.
         . The ADAPTATIO. Hey! Babies are Escaping! the poster of the cancelled concerts.

total zip material size: 138Mo dOwnlOad the collected media



2015 Myster Shadow-Sky - Par les Plis Passe la Bouffe ?
         . 4 MUSIC TO DANCE OR NOT TO DANCE? à la page ?
         . SOMETHING IS NOT DONE YET HERE. I feel this project : unfinished. Something is missing, or something not fundamentally realised to be released. PAR LES PLIS, PASSE LA BOUFFE : Through the Folds (of spaces of universes) Passes Food, is what each alive creature needs to live and to reproduce their species (interspecies breeding does not work). The FOLDS: shape the idea by what we could understand further our mind representations of Worlds and Universes (these concepts of world and universes). To think the fold imply to think several spaces, several universes. The fold is something in between, to exist, it has to be at least 2 shapes to create the fold (the interstice, the gap): the 2 sides needed to make the fold existing. Understanding minds play with folds, to unfold = ex-pli-cation (in French), the process of explaining. In French pli is fold, in English plain is obvious (ad. L. explānāre, f. ex- (prefix) + plān-us flat, plain) in French plain is full, but the prefix ex- means: outside of. The English etymology of explain is it meaning: being outside evidence? Or making the evidence coming outside? In opposite: com-pli-cation in French is to fold again and again to be ununderstandable (like political intrigues). The fold as everything is infinite, means the interval in between has no end: it is why the fold is the shape of any hole or gap. The fold starts the hole, and the infinite gives no end to the hole. The vacuum created by the hole (for evacuation?) is moving something elsewhere. Is the basic of "black holes" concept. "Black holes" figure the scientists hope, there is something outside where it must be: against their fear of emptiness or nothingness. Well, what music can attach to that? Or: what music can be invented being attached to folds? Baroque arts, music and architecture were attached to the aesthetic of folds or more about draped, like drape of material (not flat) fioritura. Perhaps, it is not the right music? What dancing music has to do with folded spaces? Spaces dancing together? Why not, and I do not know, yet.
Le titre contenant n'est pas le contenu, ou : la bouffe passe par les plis n'alimente pas la domination : de peiner les autres par la force - lire le livre libre :
         LE MOUVEMENT DU MONDE qui s'y attache. # ObCD 65-2015 - 1:06:25 + 3x29:12=1:27:36 = 2:34:01

total zip album size: 178Mo dOwnlOad full album of the collected media



2015 Myster Shadow-Sky - The Vibrations Explained
         . "The Vibrations" 1:04:58. 2015. A musical film directed and composed by Benoît Maestre's hallucinations musings, and wanderings based on Myster Shadow-Sky music and concerts from 2007 to 2014. A movie with edited Mathius Shadow-Sky's music (a pioneer musician composer, researcher from the twenty & first century, ah yes?). The fragmented shadow-sky's music used by the Benoît Maestre's film was by necessity and emergency orchestrated and remixed, and made it coherent with added new layers for a new orchestral polyphony by the composer himself: to give a new music of 1:03 made with his past recorded music, documentaries, and live concerts. The Shadow-Sky's music of the movie The Vibrations was cut and attached by the director Benoit Maestre himself. This music was: a rescue mission of damage music.
         Trailer at Luciole prod. Trailer at Vimeo. Take the album "The Vibrations Explained", without any images.
         official releases: A. theater June 17, 2015. B. audio album: February 28, 2016. C.not yet released on DVD, the film is on a world tour in film festivals. # ObCD 66-2015 - 1:03 (for the music)

total zip album size: 120Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2015 Myster Shadow-Sky - Does it Rain in Outer Galaxies?
         This thought can help listening to original music. Since the 70s of the twentieth century, music has lost music lovers: from now is, 40 years.
         We went and experienced through 3 terrible intentional hostilities: 1. the economic dictatorship with unemployment fear, 2. the destruction of original arts by cultural policies, 3. the pandemic virus that kills the sexual liberation of love. All governed by a deep hate and contempt from humans beings to humans beings. Is it not time to wake up? The other is NOT responsible of our (mental) misery.
         Here is my next contribution to free human kind mind: DOES IT RAIN IN OUTER GALAXIES? ha ha ha # ObCD 64-15.

total zip album size: 205Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



The nonoctave scalar field harmony replaces the tonal harmony which is included:

2014 Myster Shadow-Sky - L'Ephémèrôde Carde des Chrônes, live in Krakow
         . Krakow 2014 live performance of the Ephemerode Cards of Chrones invited by Marek Choloniewski to perform at Audio Art Fest 2014. web page diary of the recreation. also online full video of the recital performance. Un récital orchestral et spatial de l'Ephémèrôde à Cracovie. « Magistral ». « Shadow-Sky à Cracovie dépasse l'inimaginable, tranquillement ». "I love your approach, mixing up so many elements, also political, being a great anarchist in our big mixup and (social) decay." Marek Choloniewski. « La musique bouleversée du Myster Shadow-Sky ». Les idées politiques sont publiées là, aussi.
         Dowload the nonoctave scalar field harmony theory presentation [pdf 620Ko] # ObCD 63-14.

total zip album size: 238Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



The nonoctave scalar field harmony replaced the tonal harmony (which is included) since 1982:

2014 Myster Shadow-Sky - Les Fantômes de l'Ephémèrôde
         « Révolutionnaire comme le Clavier bien tempéré 3 siècles plus tôt de Johann Sebastian Bach, les Pianomorphes Nonoctaviants de Mathius Shadow-Sky posent l'amorce d'une nouvelle aventure musicale avec sa théorie des Champs Scalaires pour 300 années de développement. Attention, la musique (les captures de pianomorphes) de l'album n'a rien « à voir » avec le récital de l'Ephémèrôde cardent des Chrônes. Les images non plus ». "Revolutionary as Johann Sebastian Bach the Well-Tempered Clavier three centuries earlier, the Mathius Shadow-Sky Nonoctave Pianomorphe starts the beginning of a new Western musical adventure with his Scalar Fields theory: for 300 years development? Note that the music (the catching pianomorphes) of the album has nothing to do with the Ephémèrôde Cards of Chrones' recital. Pictures too."
         Download the worksheet of the Myster Shadow-Sky recital performing the Ephémérôde Cards of Chrônes' music.
         2013 Diary/Journal de la/of the création
. A propos/About nonoctaves scalar fields
 # ObCD 62-14.

total zip album size: 185Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2013 Le Plan fraysse-shadow-sky - Le mystère des modules étranges
         This new musical acoustic proposition is mixing electric, electronic and Asian acoustical musical instrument as the Vietnamese Dan Tranh, the Pekinese violin Jinghu with the gongs drums of Bertrand Fraysse make together with Myster Shadow-Sky a noncultural music out of time: 2 hours of original live music to travel somewhere else. # ObCD 60-13.

total zip album size: 161Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2013 Aloof Proof & Myster Shadow-Sky - A Brief Return To Earth
         The third intent between Aloof Proof and Myster Shadow-Sky this time in Barcelona but the concert was interrupted by the Spanish police. # ObCD 59-13.

total zip album size: 83.1Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2013 Ahmed Azzouz interview Mathius Shadow-Sky sur Radiom le 6 juin, diffusion 9 juin 2013

total sound file size: 276Mo dOwnlOad the collected mp3 media



2013 Myster Shadow-Sky - 12 musiques pour l'Amour de Son Prochain (12 music to Love thy Neighbour)
         12 soundtracks for the film: Love thy Neighbour directed by Benoit Maestre. 12 musical cultural stereotypes with disconcerting ingredients. Presentation of the film with the teaser:                               # ObCD 58-13.

total zip album size: 85.6Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2012 Myster Shadow-Sky - a step of Un Voyage au Bout du Possible de l'Humain,
         The October 25, 2012 public performance at Mix'Art Myrys free interpretation: private 1D recording of 3D music (for educational purpose only?).
musicians: Laurent Paris (percussion), Stephane Marcaillou (electric guitar), Henri Demilecamps (electronics, the Speaking Girls Virtual Choir (le Choeur de Fillettes Artificielles), and the not whore voice), Maxime Dupuis (cello) Christophe Deflorenne (shadows, light painting, wind, and fog), Marion Raievsky, Marie Bunod, Leila Saunier-Maciolek (the Screaming Women Choir) le Choeur de Femmes Hurlantes scande les textes de Tiqqun de « La Théorie de la Jeune Fille », Clement Amira (3D P.A. sound system), Mathius Shadow-Sky (virtual sliced orchestra on keyboard OV, arco lying guitar, Chinese violin called jinghu, and global composition).
         Pictures of the performance.

total mp3 file size: 76.8Mo + 177Mo dOwnlOad the stereo track reduced from the 3D original hexaphonic media + the hexaphonic tracks (3 stereo tracks to listen synchronous with 6 loudspeakers positioned 3 up and 3 down) of the concerto part: 50:27 [mp3 177Mo]



2012 Myster Shadow-Sky - Try To Catch Me, Charles!
         (1 audiotrack reduced from 3D to 1D stereo track) the real 3D sliced form in permanent recomposition with multiple sounds flying through the audience with additional octophonic analogue synthesizer & musical partners are experienced in live performance. A music part out of present time & out of space of what it should be : with this kind of space music, the stereo album becomes obsolete.

total mp3 file size: 41.6Mo dOwnlOad the stereo track of the 3D original octophonic media



2012 Myster Shadow-Sky - Comment Je t'Aime
         (A music performance given in 2011 from a love message received between 1990 and 1994 with a high sensitive feeling of love. Une performance solo donnée en 2011 avec un message d'amour reçu entre 1990 et 1994). # ObCD 57-12.

total zip file album size: 143Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2012 Myster Shadow-Sky - Music with No Name
         Live recording of the May 27, 2012 performance in the fog at the Ring Theater in Toulouse with its specific acoustic. Mixing the Chinese violin called jinghu with an analogue Japanese synthesizer.

total mp3 file size: 46.36Mo dOwnlOad the captured stereo track of the performance



2012 Myster Shadow-Sky - a step of Un Voyage au Bout du Possible de l'Homme,
         the April 25, 2012 public performance at Mix'Art Myrys: 1D pirate recording of 3D music.
         musicians: Fabien Duscombs, Stephane Marcaillou, Henri Demilecamps, Christophe Deflorenne, Artificial Girls Choir, Mathius Shadow-Sky.
         With this kind of space music, the stereo album becomes obsolete.

total mp3 file size: 47.5Mo dOwnlOad the stereo track pirate media



2012 Myster Shadow-Sky - Le Choeur Parlant de Fillettes Artificielles dit Georges Bataille
         (a composition for the Artificial Speaking Girls Choir, 28 Georges Bataille's speaks about erotism and anguish). The Choir is extracted from the bigger work and orchestra called Un Voyage au Bout du          Possible de l'Homme (A Journey to the Edge of the Mankind Possible). # ObCD 56-12.

total zip file album size: 55Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media


2011 illness


         (a live act given by Myster Shadow-Sky during his illness in November 2010 with a solo analogue synthesizer (the Korg MonoPoly). The music as "Imperfect Or Infected Life" in 1999 is to be mixed with other music and sounds) # ObCD 55-10.

total zip file album size: 78Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2010 • Myster Shadow-Sky - 3 Ephémérôdes cardent quelques chrônes partis du milieu de la bombe
         (four 2010 performance of 3 Ephémérôdes partis du Milieu de la bombe written in Rio de Janeiro in 2000 for 3 piano)

         comprised in # ObCD 30-03's bonus

total zip file size: 122 Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2010 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Bach, Chopin, Satie re:sounded # ObCD 54-10.

total zip file album size: 57Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2009 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Les Complices du Silence
         (concerto for Organized Virtual Orchestra, elecric guitar, voice and flutes) # ObCD 53-09.No electric guitar version (concerto without soloist).

Myster Shadow-Sky - Les Complices du Silence_OVO.stereo reduction from quadra mp3 51:19 60Mo
disc cover jpg   1.8 Mo
disc label jpg   1.1 Mo

total zip file album size: 173Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

2010. The pitiful thing of stereo reduction from quadraphony makes that we propose for true listening quadraphonic sensation of sounds movements, 2 stereo tracks to play synchronized: the first 1 & 2 tracks for front and the second 3 & 4 tracks for rear. Try this, with mp3 compressed format and your 4 loudspeakers in square surround: dOwnlOad 2 stereo tracks for quadraphonic listening 2xmp3 110 Mo

webpage -



2009 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Reconciliation + Conciliation avec la Mort par 789 Portes
         (electronic music),February2009 # ObCD 52-09

Myster Shadow-Sky - RECONCILIATION_stereo reduction x2 mp3 41:00 48Mo + 49Mo
cover + disc label jpg   1.27Mo + 930Ko

total zip file album size: 88.77Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2008 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Un Voyage au Bout du Possible de l'Homme
         (ghost music with nobody),2008 # ObCD 51-08, 2022 restoration

Un Voyage Au Bout Du Possible De l'Homme_OVO.with.nobody hexa+stereo mp3 42:44 50Mo+700Mo
Un Voyage Au Bout Du Possible De l'Homme_poster jpg 6.4Mo
consequences of volontary cancellation by the theater director (French) pdf 120Ko

total zip file album size: 736Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media 2022 restoration

2010. The pitiful thing of stereo reduction from hexaphony makes that we propose for true listening hexaphonic sensation of sounds movements, 3 stereo tracks to play synchronized: the first 1 & 2 tracks for front, the second 3 & 4 tracks for rear, and the third 5 & 6 tracks for top (up your head). Try this, with mp3 compressed format and your 6 loudspeakers in roof form disposition: dOwnlOad 3 stereo tracks for hexaphonic listening 3xmp3 143 Mo SINCE 2022 everything is in the same package:



2008 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Les Rescapés de l'Hégémonie Culturelle
         (opera with l'Extreme Sonique Sans Concession Réuni),2008 # ObCD 61-08

video interpretation of the opera by Benoit Maestre mp4 07:33 13.54Mo
"Ah Merde" harpsichord part in the overtura unspatialized stereo reduction mp3 10:32 12.34Mo
Finale song for contralto & harp on Gherasim Luca poetry mp3 03:34 4.18Mo
libretto of "Les Rescapés (de l'hégémonie culturelle)" - [in French] pdf 95Ko
poster of "Les Rescapés (de l'hégémonie culturelle)" opera by Mathius Shadow-Sky & Nataly Nato jpg 116Ko
303 pictures of the opeera "Les Rescapés (de l'hégémonie culturelle)" by Dorothee Sadowski jpg 147Mo
the "Les Rescapés (de l'hégémonie culturelle)" causes

6 pdf + html

Backgroud noise & robots with nobody human (singers, choir, & musicians of the opera) stereo reduction mp3   132Mo

total zip file album size: 313Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

webpage -



2008 • l’Extrême Sonique Sans Concession Réuni - Nous Sommes Là pour Troubler Nos Sens, et Percer la Supercherie dans l'Extase
         (live Tapette Fest 2008),2008 # ObCD 48-08

Nous sommes là pour troubler vos sens, et percer la supercherie dans l'extase mp4 29:46 53.92Mo
Nous sommes là pour troubler vos sens, et percer la supercherie dans l'extase mp3 29:18 34.34Mo

video 256.PAL.streaming.mp4 54Mo + mp3 (enhanced camera sound in waiting tracks from the festival)
total zip file album size: 83.98Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media



2008 • Myster Shadow-Sky + Nicoblast : l’Extrême Sonique Sans Concession Réuni - Le centrebombe 5
         (5 braincore explosions from the 17th February 2008),2008 # ObCD 48-08

1rst explosion .mp3 04:41 5.49Mo
2d explosion .mp3 04:14 4.98Mo
3rd explosion .mp3 07:56 9.30Mo
4th explosion .mp3 07:39 8.97Mo
5th explosion .mp3 07:42 9.02Mo

total zip file album size: 43Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket
: Disc cover jpg 1.4Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.6Mo

webpage -



2007 • Myster Shadow-Sky with l’Extrême Sonique Sans Concession Réuni - de l'Extase, la Musique Extrême
         (world premiere at MixArt Myrys with the Extreme Sonic Sans Concession Reuni. Toulouse, France the 12th December 2007)
,2007 # ObCD-VD 47-07

la musique extreme de l'extase.12dec2007.ouverture1_pirate.Gaël.Trellu .avi 00:28 7.59Mo
la musique extreme de l'extase.12dec2007.ouverture2_pirate.Gaël.Trellu .avi 04:33 77.20Mo
la musique extreme de l'extase.12dec2007.ouverture3_pirate.Gaël.Trellu .avi 07:53 155.42Mo
la musique extreme de l'extase.12dec2007.scene1debut_pirate.Gaël.Trellu .avi 00:31 7.78Mo
la musique extreme de l'extase.12dec2007.scene1ouverture_missing.instruments .mp3 20:43 38.86Mo
la musique extreme de l'extase.12dec2007.scene2_pirate.Max.Lachaud .mp3 14:23 26.99Mo
la musique extreme de l'extase.12dec2007.scene3_pirate.Max.Lachaud .mp3 09:00 16.89Mo
la musique extreme de l'extase.12dec2007.scene4_pirate.Max.Lachaud .mp3 30:58 58.09Mo
la musique extreme de l'extase.12dec2007.scene5_pirate.Max.Lachaud .mp3 13:12 24.78Mo
a musique extreme de l'extase.12dec2007.scene6.debut_pirate.Max.Lachaud .mp3 06:57 13.05Mo
la musique extreme de l' de Benoît Maestre .avi 15:15 128.12Mo
la musique extrême de l'extase.12dec2007.scene2.sansdebut_pirate.Canar .mp3 07:45 9.08Mo
la musique extrême de l'extase.12dec2007.scene3_pirate.Canar .mp3 08:59 10.53Mo
la musique extrême de l'extase.12dec2007.scene4_pirate.Canar .mp3 30:50 36.15Mo
la musique extrême de l'extase.12dec2007.scene5_pirate.Canar .mp3 13:20 15.63Mo
la musique extrême de l'extase.12dec2007.scene6_pirate.Canar .mp3 31:13 36.60Mo
la musique extrême de l'extase.12dec2007.scene7_pirate.Canar .mp3 11:12 13.14Mo
la musique extrême de l'extase.12dec2007.scene8_pirate.Canar .mp3 14:17 16.75Mo
la musique extrême de l'extase.12dec2007.scene9.finale_pirate.Canar .mp3 09:05 10.65Mo

total zip file album size: 778Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket
: Disc cover jpg 1.4Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.6Mo

2007. The pitiful thing of stereo reduction from hexaphony makes that we propose for true listening quadraphonic sensations of sounds movements, 2 stereo tracks to play synchronized of de l'Extase la Musique Extrême overture and finale without musicians: the first 1 & 2 tracks for front, the second 3 & 4 tracks for rear. Try this, with mp3 compressed format and your 4 loudspeakers in square form disposition: dOwnlOad 2 stereo tracks for quadraphonic listening 2+2xmp3 54 Mo

webpage -



2007 • Myster Shadow-Sky - HELP inTension
         (world premiere at La Bassecour Lavaur 81 France the June 2, 2007)

         #rec.June16,2007 # ObCD 46-07

HELP inTension de secours (the movie) 32:05 avi 356.42Mo
1. HELP inTension 30:41 mp3 28.76Mo

total zip file album size: 339Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket
: Disc cover jpg 1.4Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.5Mo

webpage -



2006 • les Entreprises Glorifiées - Le Film Rouge
         (live at MixArt Myriss Toulouse 31 France the 21th June 2006)

         #live.rec.21juin2006 # ObCD 45-06 - 30:00

The movie "Le Film Rouge" version1 with the EG live music (June 21, 2006.)   31:35   .avi [divXmpg4V3+mp3]   308Mo

1. lache les bêtes (release the beasts) 1:02 mp3 1Mo
2. fabrique de guerre (war factory) 5:54 mp3 5.4Mo
3. l'inconscient barbare (barbarian subconscious) 3:52 mp3 3.6Mo
4. des armes mentales (mental weapons) 4:11 mp3 3.8Mo
5. pleure misère (cry misery) 5:00 mp3 4.6Mo
6. le film rouge (the red movie) 10:01 mp3 9.2Mo

total zip file album size: 317Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.8Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.7Mo

info txt 1Ko
foto - EG live jpg 53Ko

webpage -



2006 • Myster Shadow-Sky & Aloof Proof - alive in unbelievable universes
         (live at le Mandala in Toulouse the 11th January 2006)

         # ObCD 44-06 - 52:30

1. unbelievable universes 1 07:53 mp3 7.2Mo
2. unbelievable universes 2 03:09 mp3 2.9Mo
3. unbelievable universes 3 06:02 mp3 5.5Mo
4. unbelievable universes 4 09:23 mp3 8.6Mo
5. unbelievable universes 5 02:55 mp3 2.7Mo
6. unbelievable universes 6 04:33 mp3 4.2Mo
7. unbelievable universes 7 04:23 mp3 4.0Mo
8. unbelievable universes 8 04:01 mp3 3.7Mo
9. unbelievable universes 9 10:11 mp3 9.3Mo

total zip file album size: 53Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.3Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.3Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.9Mo

webpage -



2006 • the Shadow-Sky-Ensemble #5 - les Lézards Etranges des Univers Improbables, episode #5
         #live.rec.11jan2006 # ObCD 43-06 - 2:18:10 rescued

anti-Finale CONCERT ORigiNAL de l'orchestre CENSURé...

1. Irritated speech in French by Myster Shadow-Sky about censored music in France 15:16 mp3 14.0Mo
2. Ourdission (1982) 6 first pages performed by Masako Ishimura (flutes) 13:24 mp3 12.3Mo
3. "When the Music is Censored..." S.P.O.R.T. (guitar, drum & bass) censored by several element 21:10 mp3 14.5Mo
4. “People in Toulouse are Depressed but they don't know it” 9 years after Aloof Proof & Myster Shadow-Sky (guitar & cello) 53:05 mp3 48.6Mo
5. Quasi Mortal Bedroom (1987) performed by Jean-Pierre Albert (drum) 26:15 mp3 24.0Mo
6. Cauchemar Atomic (1979) performed by Stéphane Marcaillou (electric guitar) 09:00 mp3 8.3Mo

total zip file album size: 127Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

: Poster jpg 4.5Mo
: Postcard front jpg 1.8Mo
: Postcard back jpg 0.9Mo

webpage -
le paroxisme de la censure inconsciente de ton entourage et au-delà .html
THE CENTRE OF THE BOMB, the criticism of my reason. .rtf
LE CENTRE DE LA BOMBE, la critique de ma raison. .rtf
59 anti-orchestra concert photos by Dorothee Sadowski jpg



2006 • the Shadow-Sky-Ensemble #1234 - les Lézards Etranges des Univers Improbables, episode #1+2+3+4
         - joined together

1. 4 Strange Lizards from Improbable Universes - part1 10:00 mp3 9.2Mo
2. 4 Strange Lizards from Improbable Universes - part2 10:00 mp3 9.2Mo
3. 4 Strange Lizards from Improbable Universes - part3 10:00 mp3 9.2Mo
4. 4 Strange Lizards from Improbable Universes - part4 10:00 mp3 9.2Mo
5. 4 Strange Lizards from Improbable Universes - part5 10:00 mp3 9.2Mo
6. 4 Strange Lizards from Improbable Universes - part6 10:00 mp3 9.2Mo
7. 4 Strange Lizards from Improbable Universes - part7 10:00 mp3 9.2Mo

total zip file album size: 63Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

All 32 musicians of the Shadow-Sky-Ensemble .rtf



2005 • the Shadow-Sky-Ensemble #4 - les Lézards Etranges des Univers Improbables, episode #4
         #live.rec.14dec2005 # ObCD 42-05 - 1:16:37

Voilà que revient l'insistance du têtu qui s'accroche aux rondeurs glissantes des actes impossibles. Impossible act 1 12:00 mp3 11.0Mo
Voilà que revient l'insistance du têtu qui s'accroche aux rondeurs glissantes des actes impossibles. Impossible act 2 20:00 mp3 18.3Mo
Voilà que revient l'insistance du têtu qui s'accroche aux rondeurs glissantes des actes impossibles. Impossible act 3 13:26 mp3 12.3Mo
Voilà que revient l'insistance du têtu qui s'accroche aux rondeurs glissantes des actes impossibles. Impossible act 4 08:58 mp3 8.2Mo
Voilà que revient l'insistance du têtu qui s'accroche aux rondeurs glissantes des actes impossibles. Impossible act 5 08:27 mp3 7.7Mo
Voilà que revient l'insistance du têtu qui s'accroche aux rondeurs glissantes des actes impossibles. Impossible act 6 05:47 mp3 5.3Mo
Voilà que revient l'insistance du têtu qui s'accroche aux rondeurs glissantes des actes impossibles. Impossible act 7 06:36 mp3 6.1Mo
Myster Shadow-Sky presents the musicians : 7 Unoctavians Strange Lizards from Improbable Universes 01:23 mp3 1.3Mo

total zip file album size: 78Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

: Poster jpg 4.5Mo
: Postcard front jpg 1.7Mo
: Postcard back jpg 0.9Mo

webpage -
info txt
specification sheet .pdf



2005 • the Shadow-Sky-Ensemble #3 - les Lézards Etranges des Univers Improbables, episode #3
         #live.rec.19nov2005 # ObCD 41-05 - 1:37:23

1. les lezards etranges des univers improbables - episode#3 (girls) - part1 42:26 mp3 38.9Mo
2. les lezards etranges des univers improbables - episode#3 (girls) - part2 53:45 mp3 50.4Mo

total zip file album size: 117Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

: Poster jpg 4.5Mo
: Postcard jpg 1.7Mo

webpage -
concert photos



2005 • the Shadow-Sky-Ensemble #2 - les Lézards Etranges des Univers Improbables, episode #2
         #live.rec.12oct2005 # ObCD 40-05 - 1:18:49

1. les lezards etranges des univers improbables - episode#2 (strings) - part1 46:18 mp3 41.5Mo
2. les lezards etranges des univers improbables - episode#2 (strings) - part2 32:31 mp3 29.8Mo

total zip file album size: 126Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

: Poster jpg 4.5Mo
: Postcard jpg 1.6Mo

webpage -
rehearsal photos
concert photos



2005 • the Shadow-Sky-Ensemble #1 - les Lézards Etranges des Univers Improbables, episode #1
         #live.rec.14sept2005 # ObCD 39-05 - 2:07:26

1. les lezards etranges des univers improbables - episode#1 - part1 75:06 mp3 68.8Mo
2. les lezards etranges des univers improbables - episode#1 - part2 36:08 mp3 33.1Mo

total zip file album size: 109Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

: Poster jpg 4.5Mo
: Postcard jpg 1.6Mo

webpage -



2005 • The lamplayer & the Machines - Inside of my Aliveness [live at Villefranche de Rouergue]

The lamplayer & the Machines - Inside of my Aliveness, end of Villefranche de Rouergue performance 38:08 mp3 44.69Mo

total zip file album size: 52Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg
: Disc label jpg



2005 • S.P.O.R.T. - To Be Definitively Done With Democracy
         # ObCD 38-05 - 30:19

1. Act 3. The major weapon of reigning power is the media manipulation against and financed by people. 06:11 mp3 11.3Mo
2. Act 2. The elected elitist power isolated by people, govern people and never the opposite. 11:58 mp3 10.9Mo
3. Act 6. The elite doesn't work, the elite govern by delegation of state employees, accumulating people richnesses. 04:59 mp3 9.1Mo
4. Act 5. People work, produce richnesses, and give it free to the authority. 07:17 mp3 11.4Mo

total zip file album size: 141Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: CD cover jpg 3.1Mo
: CD cover inside jpg 2.0Mo
: CD label jpg 1.4Mo

webpage -
les 21 actes en .rtf 46Ko
the 21 act in .rtf 45Ko



2004 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Waiting Music for Boring Rooms
         # ObCD 36-04 - 5:16:31

01. waiting room - if we don't move nothing will happen, yes let's stay quiet with breath - (2004) 18:00 mp3 16.5Mo
02. waiting room - if we don't move nothing will happen, yes let's stay quiet (radio edit) - (2004) 3:51 mp3 3.5Mo
03. boring space - (1993) 29:25 mp3 26.9Mo
04. au musee d'art moderne - (2002) 39:44 mp3 36.4Mo
05. 3 bêtes etherees à la gare - (2002) 66:21 mp3 60.8Mo
06. activity of the deads - (2005) 57:16 mp3 52.4Mo
07. attente polaire - (2005) 57:19 mp3 52.5Mo
08. au fond du vaisseau - (2005) 44:35 mp3 40.8Mo

total zip file album size: 253Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: CD cover jpg 1.3Mo
: CD label jpg 0.4Mo

webpage -
txt - waiting music concept



2004 • S.P.O.R.T. - Unreleased Rehearsal
         # ObCD 61-04 - 30:01

total zip file album size: 51Mo dOwnlOad full album
webpage -



2004 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Le Rêve des Femmes-poissons
         # ObCD 37-04 - 62:09

[no indexes]. le rêve des femmes-poissons (the dream of fish-women) 62:09 mp3 56.9Mo

total zip file album size: 59Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: CD cover jpg 1.3Mo
: CD label jpg 1.1Mo

webpage -



2003 • the Lamplayer & the Machines - ti.Me Has No Age
         # ObCD 34-03 - 74:07

01 - over the first tale of Tura 10:05 mp3 9.2Mo
02 - over the second tale of Tura 09:30 mp3 8.7Mo
03 - dance on out of no 04:06 mp3 3.8Mo
04 - envelopment 08:31 mp3 7.8Mo
05 - tubular dance out of 06:35 mp3 6.0Mo
06 - douce nuit des masses 08:44 mp3 8.0Mo
07 - spi Solune spi 08:34 mp3 7.8Mo
08 - in development 07:21 mp3 6.7Mo
09 - dance on no 08:11 mp3 7.5Mo
10 - fi the last nale to start again 02:26 mp3 2.2Mo

total zip file album size: 72Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.4Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.6Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.5Mo
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 0.7Mo

webpage -



2003 • Falter Bramnk : portrait du Myster Shadow-Sky

myster shadow-sky portrait par Falter Bramnk (2003) 12:00 mp3 11.3Mo

total zip file album size: 13Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.1Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.7Mo



2003 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Contes pour Enfants
         # ObCD 31-03 - 20:52

1. loulou, 7:25 mp3 6.8Mo
2. un héros, 8:25 mp3 7.7Mo
3. deux grenouilles 5:01 mp3 4.6Mo

total zip file album size: 25Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc cover & label



2002 • Myster Shadow-Sky - jeux & Interdits
         # ObCD 35-02 - 16:59

Jeux & Interdits 16:59 mp3 15.6Mo

total zip file album size: 18Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.1Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.7Mo

webpage -



2002 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Trans Cultural Music in Bali
         # ObCD single 29-02/06

mathius shadow-sky & ketut pasih - Bali duo 2002 2:20 mp3 2.3Mo

total zip file album size: 3.25Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 0.4Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.5Mo



2002 • Myster Shadow-Sky - 23 miniatures for TV
         # ObCD 28-02 - 23:00

01. Again, Ami 120 bpm 0:40 mp3 0.6Mo
02. Eh Oh 140 bpm 1:00 mp3 0.9Mo
03. C'est Pas pour Moi 131 bpm 0:57 mp3 0.8Mo
04. T'as Quoi ? 127 bpm 1:00 mp3 0.9Mo
05. Ren-Contres 140 bpm 1:08 mp3 1.0Mo
06. Don't Leave Me, Stay Please 155 bpm 1:02 mp3 0.9Mo
07. Aaaaaaaaaaa Plom 075 bpm 0:25 mp3 0.4Mo
08. Ah, C'est ça ! 095 bpm 0:47 mp3 0.7Mo
09. I'm Moved by a Man and his life behind him 155 bpm 0:56 mp3 0.8Mo
10. Geko 090 bpm 1:03 mp3 0.9Mo
11. If Ok, then Go 133.5 bpm 0:59 mp3 0.9Mo
12. Je Mens, Fou ! 140 bpm 0:42 mp3 0.6Mo
13. La Vie Est Belle 197 bpm 1:30 mp3 1.4Mo
14. Popo 115 bpm 1:49 mp3 1.7Mo
15. I Love You 100 bpm 0:29 mp3 0.4Mo
16. Pas Qui Glassent 167 bpm 1:16 mp3 1.2Mo
17. Sans Titre no beat 2:23 mp3 2.2Mo
18. Solune & Mathius au Clair de Lune 080 bpm 1:20 mp3 1.2Mo
19. Attente 129.5 bpm 0:42 mp3 0.6Mo
20. Tous, Restent 110 bpm 0:52 mp3 0.8Mo
21. Which One, Render? 114 bpm 0:53 mp3 0.8Mo
22. Touche Moi 156 bpm 1:06 mp3 1.0Mo
23. Au Revoir 111 bpm 0:21 mp3 0.3Mo

total zip file album size: 22Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 0.7Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.5Mo

webpage -



2000 • Myster Shadow-Sky - tha raw voice of cooked exile
         # ObCD 25-00 - 71:03

a c c e s s c o d e s
01.01.yrio4ut=182.533bpm? 3:45 mp3 3.4Mo
02.02.yrawvoice1? 3:01 mp3 2.8Mo
03.03.ywow2novoice? 14:42 mp3 13.5Mo
04.08.yrawvoice2? 10:24 mp3 9.5Mo
05.09.yrio3xt=129bpm? 4:35 mp3 4.2Mo
06.10.ywow1novoice? 13:36 mp3 12.5Mo
07.15.yrawvoices3? 4:32 mp3 4.2Mo
08.16.yrio5ot=183.016bpm? 3:34 mp3 3.3Mo
09.17.yrawvoices4t=140bpm? 4:37 mp3 4.2.Mo
10.18.ysoftsinesnãorio? 2:24 mp3 2.2Mo
11.19.yrio1ht=101bpm? 3:11 mp3 2.9Mo
12.20.ybruitdefondduconservatoirederio 2:36 mp3 2.4Mo

total zip file album size: 70Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.5Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.5Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.5Mo
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 1.6Mo

webpage -



2000 • Myster Shadow-Sky - piano works (83-02)
         # ObCD 30-03

3 Ephémérôdes cardent quelques chrônes partis du milieu de la bombe (Rio 2000) 31:26 mp3 28.8Mo
Le Piano peut-il Sonner sans les Noirs ? (Rio 2000)      
Jeux & Interdits (piano version Paris 2002)      
Les Ephemerôdes cardent des Chrônes (Paris 1983) undone, see score (French)      

total zip file album size: 31Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

+ 2010 bonus: four 2010 performance of 3 Ephémérôdes partis du Milieu de la bombe (written in Rio de Janeiro in 2000 for 3 piano) 122 Mo

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.0Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.4Mo



2000 • Myster Shadow-Sky - oh, a shadow in the sky!
         # ObCD 26-98/00 - 41:33

1 - Sensual Music for Brazilian Pot Smokers _118bpm 6:57 mp3 [sub] mp3 [nosub] 6.5 Mo 6.5Mo
2 - l'Eau Vole Vite _160bpm 4:00 mp3 3.7Mo
3 - Solune de l'Eau danse de l'eau _161bpm 5:58 mp3 5.5Mo
4 - Qui est Qui, il y a du monde _80bpm 2:22 mp3 2.2Mo
5 - Suspended on the Beast _88bpm 3:04 mp3 2.8Mo
6 - a Shadow in the Sky _140bpm 5:47 mp3 5.4Mo
7 - Some Strange Lizards are being around _80bpm 13:26 mp3 12.6Mo

total zip file album size: 45Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.0Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.4Mo

webpage -



2000 • Myster Shadow-Sky & Jorge Ribeiro - Winds of Skins [we speak whales' song]
         # ObCD 33-01 - 77:37

1 - first conversation with whales 21:04 mp3 19.7Mo
2 - second conversation with whales 08:29 mp3 7.9Mo
3 - third conversation with whales 34:46 mp3 32.6Mo

total zip file album size: 58Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 0.9Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.0Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.7Mo
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 0.6Mo

webpage -



1999 • Myster Shadow-Sky - orphaned music (87-99)
         # ObCD 32-01 - 77:37

01. le temps ne s'arrêtera pas -(1991-v3) 03:08 mp3 2.9Mo
02. célébration d'une fête étrange -(1989) 06:03 mp3 5.6Mo
03. bambx in shadowed sky -(1995) Bambi with myster shadow-sky 05:53 mp3 5.5Mo
04. exercice gaga cul -(1995) 14:08 mp3 13.2Mo
05. virgin black burger -(1999) 08:21 mp3 7.8Mo
06. les humeurs de l'esprit sain -(1996) 07:25 mp3 6.9Mo
07. one day human kind was born -(1987) 02:10 mp3 2.0Mo
08. guahibo on egypt on electronics -(1996) 05:09 mp3 4.8Mo
09. some water splash around -(1988) 02:36 mp3 1.4Mo
10. s+s+s in 171 secondes -(1988) myster shadow-sky + Witold Rek + Tadeusz Sudnik 01:30 mp3 2.4Mo
11. the prayer, musicalized -(1988-94) from Opera Tion Della Bocca 04:38 mp3 4.3Mo
12. who stop da beat -(1995) _myster shadow-sky + DJ Nerate 08:30 mp3 8.2Mo
13. le temps ne s'arretera pas -(1991-v1) 08:01 mp3 7.5Mo

total zip file album size: 75Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.4Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.3Mo

webpage -



1999 • Myster Shadow-Sky - imperfect or infected life ?
         # ObCD 27-99 - 61:16

imperfect or infected life ? (uncompleted music 4 dance floor) 66:16 mp3 60.7Mo

total zip file album size: 61Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 0.8Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.5Mo

webpage -



1998 • Myster Shadow-Sky - knots system in Miami
         # ObCD 22-98 - 54:07

01. Knot 1 [page 38] 09:10 mp3 8.5Mo
02. Knot 2 [page 5] 06:45 mp3 6.3Mo
03. Knot 3 [page 9] 09:57 mp3 9.3Mo
04. Interlude 06:32 mp3 6.0Mo
05. Knot 4 [page 15] 07:39 mp3 7.1Mo
06. Chao Miami 14:07 mp3 13.2Mo

total zip file album size: 52Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.2Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.3Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.6Mo
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 0.9Mo

webpage -



1998 • the Houston CCMM Artchestrâ - lost vivrations in Houston
         # ObCD 23-98 - 53:48

lost vivrations in Houston part 01 3:05 mp3 2.9Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 02 6:40 mp3 6.2Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 03 4:33 mp3 4.2Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 04 6:12 mp3 5.8Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 05 4:24 mp3 4.1Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 06 1:43 mp3 1.6Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 07 3:20 mp3 3.1Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 08 2:28 mp3 2.3Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 09 3:01 mp3 2.8Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 10 3:41 mp3 3.4Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 11 5:13 mp3 4.9Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 12 1:03 mp3 0.9Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 13 5:45 mp3 5.4Mo
lost vivrations in Houston part 14 2:12 mp3 2.0Mo
lost vivrations in Houston (in one peace) 53:48 mp3 49.1Mo

total zip file album size: 49Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 2.0Mo
: Disc label jpg 0.7Mo

webpage -



1997 • Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Orchestra - syn-phônê NO2 : le beau chaos
         # ObCD 20-97 - 66:23

Syn-phônê NO2, le beau chaos in 14 parts 66:21 mp3 60.8Mo

total zip file album size: 125Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.5Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.3Mo
: Disc label jpg 1.1Mo
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 1.3Mo

webpage -



1997 • S.P.O.R.T. - To Be Definitively Done With Religion
         # ObCD 19-97 - 63:16

01. Overture, crime 1: The Church, an eternal gentle worship of Disaster. judgment 5:44 mp3 5.3Mo
02. Act 0, crime 2: A bad story of lost paradise
with a cosmogony of final destruction,
this is the origin of our catastrophy-spirit.
Drama, this heavy skin on our breath.
judgment 4:15 mp3 3.9Mo
03. Act 1, crime 3: The Christ Suffering makes just the propagation of this epidemic virus,
and these sick people are recognized by their particular state:
an innocent-stupid blissful ready to kill.
judgment 5:02 mp3 4.6Mo
04. Act 2, crime 4: The mothers seduced by the Church,
learn how to transmit the guilt virus to their children.
This is a permanent injection of suffering
to get the Power on these weakened human beings.
judgment 4:00 mp3 3.7Mo
05. Act 3, crime 5: To enjoy the Power,
the Church made of God-symbol a Judge
who sentences to the eternal punishment or to the eternal salvation.
Erased, are all other alternatives.
judgment 2:12 mp3 2.0Mo
06. Act 4, crime 6: The Church because of the Holy-Murder
has to engage itself in shrewdness and lie,
absurd sexual practices unjustified and banalized in the confessional.
judgment 4:29 mp3 4.1Mo
07. Act 5, crime 7: The Religion self-proclamed guard of the unfathomable Mystery of life power,
enthrones the lynching by the holy-Cross (created to torture)
as an excuse and good consciousness
to the necessity of slaughtering imaginary enemies of their faith.
judgment 6:58 mp3 6.0Mo
08. Act 6, crime 8: The Church sows the trouble in minds in confession
and then flatters itself to rescue the illusory misery in the world, like this, launched.
judgment 6:35 mp3 5.5Mo
09. Act 7, crime 9: Religious feeling is a mawkish mask of the "good sentiment"
which hides the lie of God's congregation.
judgment 5:59 mp3 6.0Mo
10. Act 8, crime 10: The pervert Church hides and feeds the Christ's penis saying:
"my flesh suffers but my spirit gets orgasm."
Clerical practices that justify their inflicted Tortures.
judgment 6:33 mp3 6.0Mo
11. Act 9, crime 11: God says:
"Be fertile and increase in number, fill the Earth and submit it":
is the massacre of our planet by trampling and the origin of death-camps.
judgment 7:12 mp3 6.6Mo
12. Final, crime 12: The perverts of the purity work without release
at the sustain of the hate: "continue to dream."
judgment 3:57 mp3 3.6Mo

total zip file album size: 63Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.0Mo
: Disc cover inside 1 jpg 1.4Mo
: Disc cover inside 2 jpg 1.5Mo
: Disc cover inside 3 jpg 1.4Mo
: Disc cover inside 4 jpg 1.3Mo
: Disc label jpg 801Ko
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 1.6Mo

webpage -



1997 • 2 Lamplayers 5000 Years After - aLive in New-Europe A.D
         # ObCD 18-97 - 49:19

01. Attente 2:46 mp3 2.5Mo
02. Overture 4:09 mp3 3.8Mo
03. Act 1 - no water 5:54 mp3 5.4Mo
04. Act 2 - no food 9:26 mp3 8.6Mo
05. Act 3 - no home 2:23 mp3 2.2Mo
06. Act 4 - no air 2:18 mp3 2.1Mo
07. Act 5 - loosing energy 7:56 mp3 7.3Mo
08. Act 6 - bones 3:41 mp3 3.4Mo
09. Act 7 - no one 1:58 mp3 1.8Mo
10. Final 6:11 mp3 5.7Mo
11. Attente 2:39 mp3 2.4Mo

total zip file album size: 48Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.2Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.0Mo
: Disc label jpg 992Ko
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 1.0Mo

webpage -



1997 • Myster Shadow-Sky & Aloof Proof - Aloof Sky is the Proof of Shadow
         # ObCD 21-97 - 56:20

1. first proof, 1er ciel distant qui est la preuve de l'ombre in 07:46 mp3 7.1Mo
2. second proof, 2ème ciel distant qui est la preuve de l'ombre in 02:60 mp3 2.7Mo
3. third proof, 3ème ciel distant qui est la preuve de l'ombre in 02:52 mp3 2.6Mo
4. fourth proof, 4ème ciel distant qui est la preuve de l'ombre in 07:11 mp3 6.6Mo
5. fifth proof, 5ème ciel distant qui est la preuve de l'ombre in 15:22 mp3 3.6Mo
6. sixth proof, 6ème ciel distant qui est la preuve de l'ombre in 04:13 mp3 3.9Mo
7. seventh proof, 7ème ciel distant qui est la preuve de l'ombre in 03:07 mp3 2.9Mo
8. eighth proof, 8ème ciel distant qui est la preuve de l'ombre in 12:50 mp3 11.7Mo

total zip file album size: 60Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.3Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 896Ko
: Disc label jpg 1.3Mo
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 1.5Mo
: Disc tray inlay card 2 jpg 1.6Mo

webpage -



1996 • Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Orchestra - syn-phônê NO1 : le boxon ensemble
         # ObCD 17-96 - 63:18

1. Syn-phônê NO1 - le boxon ensemble in 16 parts 63:18 mp3 57.9Mo
2. Syn-phônê NO1 - le boxon ensemble unpublished last movements 27:23 mp3 25.1Mo

total zip file album size: 142Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 2.1Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 2.7Mo
: Disc label jpg 738Ko
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 1.7Mo

webpage -



1996 • Myster Shadow-Sky - 6 000 000 000 de voix sans air (91-96)
         # ObCD 16-91/96 - 42:17

1. "MOMENTE" agité (ou secoué): Dépéchez-vous
"MOMENTE" restless, shaken (or rocked): Hurry up
Acknowledgment to Karlheinz Stockhausen
3:15 mp3 3.0Mo
2. Vos cagoùles n'ont pas d'oùvertures?
Your cowls have no openings?
Acknowledgment to M. A. Ingegnerie, the professor of Palestrina
3:31 mp3 3.2Mo
3. Rituel des Morts (-dû à la tête)
Ritual of Deaths
Acknowledgment to death music
11:24 mp3 10.4Mo
4. Con[voix]sanstraction avant l'exploit:
concentration before the feat
Acknowledgment to firemen from Rieumes [31] France who saved Shadow-Sky 's life in 96
6:00 mp3 5.3Mo
5. Femmes
Acknowledgment to women from Russia
9:09 mp3 8.3Mo
6. what it remind you?
qu'est-ce que ça te rappelle ?
Acknowledgment to memory
1:30 mp3 1.3Mo
7. Plikiz has a bad dreams
Plikiz fait de mauvais rêves
Acknowledgment to bad dreams
3:40 mp3 3.4Mo
8. remember again
rapelles toi encore
Acknowledgment to memory
0:30 mp3 393Ko
9. pourquoi
Acknowledgment to people who says why?
5:30 mp3 4.9Mo

total zip file album size: 40Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 569Ko
: Disc label jpg 226Ko

webpage -



1995 • 2 Lamplayers 5000 Years After - Music from the Genoscopic Kalandar
         # ObCD 15-95 - 60:24 + 43:51

IndX Memory Reactive Clock Hours of used life Time Guards  
1rst "Day"
1 inside the Other's womb Awaiting the Dawn 09:00 mp3
2 the Washing up at dawn 08:00 mp3
3 the indefinable odor of a bedroom late in a morning 04:40 mp3
4 the Growth of intellect (water dance) at twilight 06:41 mp3
5 Forgotten on Earth: Revenge Night 02:13 mp3
6 waves of intimate libido (wave dance) Late at night 10:53 mp3
7 a Place of bewilderment; of non-sense No Time 06:36 mp3
2d "Day"
8 Beyond the sleep fence daybreak 03:48 mp3
9 Procession in the intestinal Flora afternoon 01:32 mp3
10 the Steps of Nourishing machines night fall 02:21 mp3
11 Deathvastating laugh dark night 04:34 mp3
3rd "Day"
12 white sleep, a struggle for awakening without sun 12:46 mp3
13 the Fuzzy Head and reflux the high Sun 07:14 mp3
14 the bridal meal at Zenith 04:50 mp3
15 the Swing at its moisture 06:13 mp3
16 evening, the Forgotten Bedrooms without moon 02:38 mp3
17 at down on the 4th "Day" re-viving 10:10 mp3
18 nothing more, the time cast off without Time 00:00 mp3

total zip file album size: 102Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg + label + back cover

webpage -



1994 • Myster Shadow-Sky - strange night with mr shadow-sky
         # ObCD 12-94 - 60:00

01. yoyo bite (214 or 107 BpM) 7:17 mp3 6.7Mo
02. metal (144 BpM) 12:40 mp3 11.6Mo
03. hard judo in love: get by (124 BpM) 4:36 mp3 4.1Mo
04. strange thing in my kitchen (161 BpM) 8:20 mp3 7.6Mo
05. auto lift up pine up (128 BpM) 4:48 mp3 4.4Mo
06. des pierres frottées () 00:28 mp3 430Ko
07. Ono joue avec son ballon (140 BpM) 4:18 mp3 3.9Mo
08. la chambre d'extase (86 or 172 BpM) 11:20 mp3 12.4Mo
09. le Teub-Up-Style () 3:35 mp3 3.9Mo

total zip file album size: 63Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.1Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.3Mo
: Disc label jpg 1.6Mo
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 1.1Mo

webpage -



1994 • Myster Shadow-Sky - mange
         # ObCD 13-94 - 25:09

1. mmm 3:48 mp3 3.5Mo
2. Rosaline est enfermée avec les lions 4:48 mp3 4.5Mo
3. Butter fly hunting, yes 1:34 mp3 1.5Mo
4. It's your name 2:41 mp3 2.5Mo
5. Baby's headroom 1:22 mp3 1.3Mo
6. Nothing to say 3:20 mp3 3.1Mo
7. Caca Boom Boum 1:22 mp3 1.3Mo
8. Nothing to eat 6:11 mp3 5.8Mo

total zip file album size: 27Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.6Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.1Mo
: Disc label jpg 616Ko
: Disc label 2 jpg 556Ko

webpage -



1994 • the Istanbul New Music Ensemble - La Farsa Del Sonido of Mathius Shadow-Sky
         # ObCD 14-94 - 10:22

la farsa del sonido 10:22 mp3 9.6Mo

total zip file album size: 13Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.8Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.5Mo
: Disc label jpg 962Ko

webpage -



1993 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Opera-tion della Bocca (88-93)
         # ObCD 10-88/93 - 9:21

1. the Arrogance of the Pray 4:39 mp3 4.3Mo
2. la Bouche 2:13 mp3 2.0Mo
3. To be done with religion 2:30 mp3 2.3Mo

total zip file album size: 10Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.7Mo
: Disc label jpg 505Ko

webpage -



1993 • le quatuor de guitares de Forgues - l'Histoire Incroyable de Rangoun Kloblar - [4 gotten musicians]
         # ObCD 49-93 - 28:05

l'Histoire Incroyable de Rangoun Kloblar 28:05 mp3 26.3Mo

total zip file album size: 29Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg
: Disc label jpg
info - myster shadow-sky - Quatuor de Guitares de Forgues_info.txt



1992 • Myster Shadow-Sky - 4 chants taboo para karioka la divine
         # ObCD 11-92 - 23:35

1. La Valse De l'Egaree 4:57 mp3 4.6Mo
2. Depression Sexuelle de la Mouche Mâle 6:38 mp3 6.2Mo
3. c'est Sâle ce qui n'est pas à sa Place 7:20 mp3 6.8Mo
4. le Mot Désir est aussi Joli que Vague 4:34 mp3 4.2Mo

total zip file album size: 23Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.3Mo
: Disc label jpg 1.2Mo

webpage -



1990 • Trio Fonics - Bauhaus Neofonic
         # ObCD 09-90 - 34:21

I. 20 october 1989
01. Ouverture Triadique (Pierre Bastien) 3:33 mp3 3.26Mo
02. Au Prado (Pierre Bastien)      
03. Portrait de Seïl Kor (Pierre Bastien)      
04. El Trientavo Dia (Mathius Shadow-Sky)      
05. El Olvido del Aire (Mathius Shadow-Sky)      
06. Rosemary's Baby (Krzysztof Komeda)      
07. Fabrique Géométrique (Pierre Bastien)      
08. Webern Connection (Mathius Shadow-Sky)      
09. El Punto de Vista (Mathius Shadow-Sky)      
10. Marqueterie Phonique (Pierre Bastien)      
11. Fonica Combo (Pierre Bastien)      
12. Doble Reflexion (Mathius Shadow-Sky)      
13. Die Drei Arbeiter (Pierre Bastien)      
14. La Cuerda (Mathius Shadow-Sky) 2:39 mp3 2.42Mo
15. Mangbetu (Pierre Bastien)      
16. En la Playa Solo (Mathius Shadow-Sky)      
17. Mouvement Cubiste (Pierre Bastien)      
II. 15 december 1990
18. Au prado (Pierre Bastien) 2:39 mp3 2.4Mo
19. Trentième Jour en Afrique (Mathius Shadow-Sky) 3:11 mp3 2.9Mo
20. Triple Reflexions en Liquide Amniotique (Mathius Shadow-Sky) 5:11 mp3 4.8Mo
21. Mangbetu (Pierre Bastien + Mathius Shadow-Sky) 2:21 mp3 2.2Mo
22. Ubu Charpentier (Pierre Bastien) 1:59 mp3 1.8Mo
23. Danse de la Tortue et du Homard sous la Chanson du Griffon par temps d'orage (Mathius Shadow-Sky) 2:57 mp3 2.7Mo
24. Sanza Combo (Pierre Bastien) 1:29 mp3 1.4Mo
25. Webern Connection (Mathius Shadow-Sky) 3:17 mp3 3.1Mo
26. Portrait de Seïl-Kor (Pierre Bastien) 1:43 mp3 1.6Mo
27. Le Mot Désir est Aussi Joli que Vague (Agata Siecinska) 3:22 mp3 3.1Mo

total zip file album size: 33Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.2Mo
: Disc label jpg 1.2Mo

webpage -



1988 • Ono Lulu filharmonia - La Commedia del Suono
         # ObCD 08-88 - 52:58

01. ouverture même pas (even no) 01:03 mp3 1.0Mo
02. 1rst mvt: tchèka tchèka où où . scene 1: qui est qui? (who is who?) 02:15 mp3 2.1Mo
03. 2d mvt: Piio na fé so . scene 2: nos sèves craquent (our saps fall for split?) 02:57 mp3 2.8Mo
04. 3d mvt: Péka péka tchu u . scene 3: l'art de Chine (Art from China) 03:10 mp3 2.9Mo
05. 4th mvt: O békako Séma . scene 4: la chambre des intimités (the room of privacies) 02:40 mp3 2.5Mo
06. 5th mvt: Mayo sa Brü . scene 5: Tortures comiques (comic tortures) 01:52 mp3 1.7Mo
07. 6th mvt: A tiki ti . scene 6: le culcul assassiné (the culcul killed) 01:40 mp3 1.6Mo
08. 7th mvt: O ao . scene 7: la voie d'Yma (Yma's track) 02:54 mp3 2.7Mo
09. 8th mvt: Sè na hô . scene 8: la marche des mâles (the males march) 05:03 mp3 4.7Mo
10. final . l'Extase (the extasy) 02:24 mp3 2.2Mo
4 anonymous of XX century
11. the first: rencontre (meeting) 06:55 mp3 6.5Mo
12. the second: l'acte sexuel (the sexual act) 14:14 mp3 13.4Mo
13. the third: explosion 02:15 mp3 2.1Mo
14. the fourth: valse après l'amour (waltz after love) 03:28 mp3 3.2Mo

total zip file album size: 52Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.5Mo
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.8Mo
: Disc label jpg 787Ko
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 1.5Mo

webpage -



1987 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Les Explorations de Paroles St Ethiques
         # ObCD 07-87 - 63:24

01. 1er Travail de la 1ere Occupation 10:01 mp3 9.2Mo
02. 2d et 3eme Travaux de la 1ere Occupation 13:39 mp3 12.5Mo
03. 4eme Travail de la 1ere Occupation 02:27 mp3 2.3Mo
04. 5eme Travail de la 1ere Occupation 03:33 mp3 3.3Mo
05. 6eme Travail de la 1ere Occupation 02:24 mp3 2.2Mo
06. 1er Travail de la 2de Occupation 05:56 mp3 5.4Mo
07. 2d Travail de la 2de Occupation 04:56 mp3 4.5Mo
08. 3eme Travail de la 2de Occupation 04:17 mp3 3.9Mo
09. 1er Travail de la 4eme Occupation 04:44 mp3 4.4Mo
10. 2d Travail de la 4eme Occupation 02:02 mp3 1.9Mo
11. 3eme Travail de la 4eme Occupation 03:58 mp3 3.6Mo
IV. CHANSON 47 opus 42 : LA FAIM de l'HUMAIN
12. chanson de la faim de l'humain 05:18 mp3 4.9Mo

total zip file album size: 58Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.7Mo
: Disc label jpg 607Ko

webpage -



1986 • Ono Lulu Filharmonia - Je suis d'Ailleurs
         # ObCD 05-86 - 55:32

1. the Goddess's Dream Love 09:46 mp3 8.9Mb
2. Growing from the Blood 08:08 mp3 7.5Mb
3. Festival of Birth & Crime 08:50 mp3 8.1Mb
4. Child Spirit 09:29 mp3 8.7Mb
5. Breath Dance 08:09 mp3 7.5Mb
6. Hymn of Mineral Mind 10:59 mp3 10.1Mb

total zip file album size: 56Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.6Mb
: Disc cover inside jpg 1.7Mb
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 1.5Mb
: Disc label jpg 1.1Mb

webpage -



1986 • Myster Shadow-Sky - 6sssssseX + 2eX
         # ObCD 06-79/86 - 52:22

1. un Esprit panique dans la grotte d'Edenide 10:28 mp3 9.6Mb
2. Rumeur de l'Esprit saint 08:09 mp3 7.5Mb
3. Plainte chantée d'un canard expressionniste 03:32 mp3 3.2Mb
4. Paysage Grand Solitaire 05:48 mp3 5.3Mb
5. Parasites électriques et turbulants dans un orage magnétique 12:40 mp3 11.6Mb
6. Cauchemar Atomic 03:16 mp3 3.0Mb
+1. Oh tu peux couper 01:22 mp3 1.3Mb
+2. un Cosmos se pliant 07:02 mp3 7.8Mb

total zip file album size: 44Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.4Mb
: Disc label jpg 657Ko

webpage -



1985 • Myster Shadow-Sky - Dïngx
         # ObCD 04-85 - 51:50

1. la Louve Blanche 04:40 mp3 4.3Mb
2. Danse des Métalyptiques 01:18 mp3 1.2Mb
3. Sainephonie 08:10 mp3 7.4Mb
4. Conversation Molle 02:16 mp3 2.1Mb
5. Danse heurtée sur le Mont Chauve 02:16 mp3 2.1Mb
6. Il m'est impossible de donner un titre à ce phénomène car l'indicible au delà des bords extrèmes de l'espace et du temps ne porte pas de nom (1986 Triguitare version) 18:10 mp3 16.5Mb
7. Danse de la Tortue et du Homard sous la Chanson du Griffon par temps d'orage 07:30 mp3 6.8Mb
8. La Louve Blanche continuation 07:30 mp3 6.8Mb

total zip file album size: 71Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.2Mb
: Disc label 1 jpg 852Mb
: Disc label 2 jpg 1Mb

Bonus - other sounding of: - la louve blanche part 1 mp3 4.3Mb - danse des métalyptiques mp3 1.1Mb - Sainephonie, cleaned up in bathroom to become a boring place mp3 7.5Mb - Sainephonie, distorded mp3 7.4Mb - Sainephonie, other sounding mp3 7.5Mb -

webpage -



1983 • Myster Shadow-Sky - It Is Impossible to Give a Title to this Phenomenon Because the Inexpressible Beyond the Extreme Edges of Space & Time has no Name
         # ObCD 03 83 - 60:40
1. IIITGATTTPBTIBTEEOSATHNN [spring first ever version] 29:35 mp3 27.1Mb

2. Boring Space [10 years after a remix version with the Digital Interactive Random Noise system]

29:25 mp3 26.9Mb

total zip file album size: 57Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.7Mb
: Disc cover inside jpg 728Ko
: Disc tray inlay card jpg 1.6Mb
: Disc label jpg 742Ko
info text

webpage -



1980 • the Lamplayer [5000 years after] - Ludus Musicae Temporarium
         # ObCD 02-80 - 31:47

1. single play single play 10:49 mp3 9.9Mb
2. single play competition 08:49 mp3 8.1Mb
3. single play chance 10:17 mp3 9.4Mb
4. single play simulacrum 11:21 mp3 10.4M
5. single play dizziness 08:16 mp3 7.6M
6. final 05:49 mp3 5.3M

total zip file album size: 52Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Disc jacket:
: Disc cover jpg 1.4Mb
: Disc label jpg 1.3Mb

webpage -



1979 • Mathius Shadow-Sky - Cauchemar Atomic / Atomic Cucumber = nova musica
         # ObCD 01-79 - 15:25

1979 cauchemar atomic by myster shadow-sky solo electric guitar 03:15 mp3 3Mo
2006 cauchemar atomic by stephane marcaillou solo electric guitar 08:01 mp3 7.34Mo
2007 cauchemar atomic by cyril marche 5 electric bass guitar 04:09 mp3 3.81Mo

total zip file album size: 22Mo dOwnlOad full album of collected media

Score pdf (we are waiting for other versions)
Disc jacket:

: Disc cover jpg
: Disc label jpg





le centre de la bombe 1979 - 2023. All rights reserved
All materials are for non-commercial andor educational use only.
for commercial use or wished DVD ROM of all albums please contact us
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internal links

centrebombe records label? Go to mathius shadow-sky downloadable free discography

myster shadow-sky? who or what is this myterious phenomenon?

mathius shadow-sky downloadable free discography

myster shadow-sky performance proposal, concerts & gigs

centrebombe free books library

centrebombe front door

the book of music and everything else: Dans le Ciel, le Bruit de l'Ombre

thanks & donation page to the composer

last update January 2023
