contact the composer
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or available after 3 pm
Understand the website of the composer
The bilingual French/English [almost => helps are welcome] website of the composer is built for the music pleasure of/and the knowledge.
The website was started in 1997: 1. To solve the absence of communication and the collapse/destruction of the exchange music market, and
2. To maintain the constant link open between the artist and the music lovers.
But it appears clearly since that time the absence of music lovers.
2023 - 1997 = 26 years. The absence of music lovers appeared even before, in the 80s: when curiosity became the synonym of fear.
To Fear the unknown makes humans ready to be governed. A human being without curiosity becomes stupid and dangerous for the others.
For (real) artist it is impossible to give up to create new-unknown-to-know artworks, even after the devastation of the art world and the music world.Short conversation between the music lover and the artist:
- Who did this devastation?
- You.
- ...?
- Welcome back :)
Regularly updated pages:
. the book to know how to compose and understand music & human life, for the next generation [in French]: Dans le ciel, le bruit de l'Ombre
. dates of performances of the composer and friends
. free albums/records of the composer to download for free
. history of the composer and of current inventive music
. free books and scores of the composer and friends to download for free
. critiques de livres, d'articles et de films : articles on books and films, critics
. fondation anti-sacem [observatoire pour rééquilibrer les dérives des détournements de droits d'auteur]
. portail pour rééquilibrer les excès de facturation de EDF
. centrebombe music archives: everything listenable in this web site available for free
. re:composed composers, collective project since 1996: re:composed music from the 20th century contemporary composers
. The Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Orchestras [no concert opportunity since 1997, 2005 and 2007 was the last attempts]
. Grégarité, le livre html, 3e édition corrigée du livre et publication au format html version 24.0 [feb 2024]
. Le Grand Divertissement [livre en cours de rédaction, start 2024]
. The Lamplayers (1980-2007) [how to perform sophisticated music with usual objects?]
. Ono Lulu Filharmonia (1984-1990) [Polish musicians band]
. Trio Fonic (1989-1990) [trio with Bauhaus strings fake instruments]
. Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Orchestra (born 1996) [the way to renew the music of the symphonic orchestra, and its economy]
. Spatial orchestral composition with spatial acoustic researches inside and outside the 1959's Toulouse 82 ft sphere building called: La Boule de Rangueil censored in 2023 by the CNRS
[The French National Centre for Scientific Research = The French science state research organisation. Does mediocracy have infected the state research agency?].
Introduction pages:
. En tant que compositeur, je fais quoi ? As a composer, what I am doing?
. Pourquoi avoir choisi la composition musicale pour occuper ta vie ? Why to choose music composition for life occupation?
. Testament du compositeur / Last will of the composer to execute after his death [French, some in English]
Present main occupations of the composer
with updated informations:
TCSO 2025 :
. 2 new synphônês by the reborn Trans-Cultural Synphônê Orchestra in 2025
[transgenre transclass symphonic free orchestra born in 1996] :
. Synphônê NO3 indoor: 100 de DANS 100
. Synphônê NO4 outdoor: 100 de HORS
. LES GUITARES VOLANTES history [string quartet born in 2017]
. New compositions?
Check at: List of links to pages presenting each music work of the composer from 1979 to now
New publications:
. Non ! Toulouse n'est pas une « ville des musiques », parole de compositeur ! [lettre au maire de Toulouse démontrant l'abus de récompense et d'incompétence de l'UNESCO]
. LES ANNÉES NOIRES POUR LA CRÉATION MUSICALE, Histoire récente de la musique fin XXe début XXIe siècle [40 textes dialogués rassemblés dans 90 pages]
. LLL simple study for 2x 4 voices : 2 soprano, 2 alto, 2 tenor, 2 baryton/bass: Ouverture Paisible [4 minutes]
. LLL simple music game to sing from 4 to 128 voices and more
. Grégarité, 3e édition corrigée du livre et publication au format html version 24.0
. Grégarité, music for keyboards ensemble [music and philosophy: a book + a record] 7zip contained book and scores and music 222Mo (January 26, 2023)
. Antipedemagogical & Painful pieces - Meet de Unknowables, music for a beginners electric guitar quartet performed by Les Guitares Volantes (September 2, 2022) 7zip 2Go
. Guide de musique pour jouer ensemble en débutant les Pièces Antipédémagogiques & Pénibles (July 2022)
. Il m'est impossible de donner un titre à ce phénomène, car l'insu au-delà des bords extrêmes de l'espace et du temps n'a pas de nom : addenda à la musique recréée (June 2022).
. De Wyschegradsky à Shadow-Sky, articles, questions, critiques et commentaires de La loi de la Pansonorité aux Champs Polyscalaires Nonoctaviants (January 2022).
. The 5 nonoctave scales discovered by Ivan Wyschnegradsky: [format Scala & sampler N.I. Kontakt zip 16Ko].
. Vivre l'espèce humaine / Living the human species [the book is finished in 2022, is it?]
.Check regularly for new release at:
Books & scores published at:
Records published at: of links
to pages presenting
each music work of the composer
from 1979 to now
Last updated pages:
Dernières pages mises à jour :
. Les contradictions de compositeurs en porte-à-faux du genre « contemporain » classiqué 20 ans avant l'an 2000 et toujours en usage intensif 25 ans après [dec. 2024]
. L'architecture conçue par le compositeur où le contexte de la musique passe de la scène au bâtiment (1980-2023).
. Le concert, à quoi ça sert ? ajout du chapitre : Concert de compositeur ?
. Les échelles à densité variable [nouvelle réalité scalaire ; ou oubliée et rappelée]
. 100 DANS 100
renaissance du Trans-Cultural Synphônê Orchestra [après 20 ans de mise sous silence] le vendredi 16 mai 2025 de 14h à 20h à la radio Canal Sud à Toulouse
. Les guitares électriques polyscalaires nonoctaviantes: the ultimate birth of TONIA IV 11 and the discover of a new kind of scales
. MELODIA musique-jeu en formation, et corrections de textes
. le JEU, MOTEUR de nouvelles formes musicales [ajout de l'explication du moteur-jeu pour les musiques-jeux]
. MELODIA ajout de l'article : Le paradoxe de la mélodie
. Mathématiques & Mathématique Musicale
. la métrique n'est pas le rythme
. 100 : renaissance du Trans-Cultural Synphônê Orchestra en 2025 (?) à Toulouse
. le studio d’enregistrement instrument de musique
. 100 dehors : LE TRANS-CULTURAL SYNPHÔNÊ ORCHESTRA en 2025 à Toulouse #2
. « la musique improvisée » ?
. 100 dans 100 dedans : LE TRANS-CULTURAL SYNPHÔNÊ ORCHESTRA en 2025 à Toulouse #1
. À quoi sert la musique ? À quoi sert la guerre ? À quoi sert la vie ?
. programmes audio à disposition libre
. la nouvelle théorie musicale ? qui patauge depuis 100 ans [1907-2023] sans arriver à l'usage musical
. Optimiser le système informatique Windows pour la musique
. instruments de musique câblés et composition musicale
. échelles et accords des guitares électriques polyscalaires nonoctaviantes : étude de la nouvelle guitare polyscalaire nonoctaviante Monia Scroll et : naissance de l'Arta Pacifica
. les échelles irrégulières
. Que fait le compositeur Mathius Shadow-Sky ?
. le disque du centrebombe
. La machination des Pierres ou comment dévaster en 1/2 siècle le monde de la création musicale
. Les modes désoctaviants ?
. Qu'est-ce qu'un Champ Scalaire et à quoi ça sert ?
. nonoctave golden ratio music scales = échelles nonoctaviantes issues du nombre d'or
. Riotte & Forte, dénombrement classement ou figuration [des modes et des accords dans Z12] ?
. RIFF ? ou l'escroquerie du rock'n roll, et +
. Ne pas confondre : CROIRE et CONFIANCE in Grégarité, le livre html, 3e édition corrigée du livre et publication au format html version 23.5
. Les accords des guitares électriques polyscalaires nonoctaviantes :
la 2de guitares polyscalaire nonoctaviante Tonia va sortir de l'atelier du luthier Johann Pioli.
la 3e guitare polyscalaire Arta est en cours de planification avec de nouvelles questions sur les possibilités de la polyscalairité sur un seul instrument de musique.
. Liberté ? La raison essentielle de l'existence de la musique
. les accords des guitares électriques polyscalaires nonoctaviantes avec une nouvelle : Tonia (polyscalaire tonale) après Monia (polyscalaire harmonique)
. découverte d'échelles inouïes : 53 + 15 = 68 échelles nonoctaviantes issues de la division du ton égalisé
. Un synthétiseur de métamorphoses polyscalaires nonoctaviantes ?
. Les correspondances de phases scalaires
. Un problème pratique de volume topophonique variable à résoudre
. Pourquoi le compositeur « fait des gammes » ?
. La polyscalairité mère de la polymodalité
. limites du réel & limites du possible : au-delà des limite de la réalité imposée
. économie de la composition musicale - contrainte non formulée mais explicite d'espérance de vie pour une oeuvre
. An artist's love story 1990-1994 : un amour abîme entre 2 anges blessés
. Grégarité, le livre html v.23.2
. Oratorio pour choeur et orchestre de 32 musiciens valdinguant leurs sons dans l'espace à la Boule de Rangueil interdit par le CNRS
. Qu'est-ce que la grammaire pour la musique ?
. Genrer la musique ?
. Composer la musique dans l'espace
. Naissance de la guitare électrique nonoctaviante polyscalaire Monia Shadow-Sky I .4
. À quoi ça sert la polyscalairité ? À quoi ça sert l'interpolymodalité ? Why we need a polyscalar musical theory? [new article]
. Grégarité (presentation)
. Scalairisation des intervalles de la série harmonique + nontonal nonoctave scales + tonal nonoctave scales [updated]
. Processus de naissance de théorie musicale
. Étroitesse d'un système : bienvenue dans le monde de l'ouverture d'esprit
. Vivre l'espèce humaine : ce livre est terminé (4 nov 2022)
. Un peu + sur la théorie musicale d'Aristoxène de Tarente (en cours de développement)
. Théorie musicale au XXIe siècle
. À quoi sert la musique ? La GUERRE/PAIX ou la MUSIQUE ? NOUS NOUS TROMPONS SUR LA PAIX
. HOMO LIBER ? ou HOMO FREI ? les mots sa langue de bouche et ses esclaves : Pourquoi commencer un livre de musique avec un chapitre sur la liberté ?
. Comment la théorie des champs polyscalaires avec le solfège des transformations a commencé ? + Introduction aux modes de Xène (postpythagoriens)
. Temps Cosmogoniques & Systèmes Musicaux : [nouveaux chapitre] Re-venant au temps sans dires vagues
. Les formes de la musique des Flux
. Les machines les hommes et la musique
. Le jeu pour moteur d'autres formes de musiques et fondateur du sens social
. arcoguitar: la guitare couchée frottée au bâton de bois de 1983 ressuscités en 2022, nouvelles précision de jeu de la musique : 2022, Reconsidération de la musique 39 ans après.
. À quoi sert la musique ?
. Théorie musicale au XXIe siècle ?
. Naissance de théories musicales occidentales
. Qu'est-ce que je fais ?
. du rythme-chant (arithmétique) au rythme-danse (géométrique)
. Topophonie de la musique spatiale
. La musique par ordinateur ?
. À TOLERANCIA, l'opéra, pourrait être adapté pour faire un album joué par Les Guitares Volantes...
. La Douleur du Monde [book in progress]
. Identité Remarquable & Altérité Commune (le sens de la mélodie et de l'accompagnement) qui sera développé dans le nouvel album des Guitares Volantes MELODIA
. Construire l'harmonie nonoctaviante (incluant l'harmonie tonale) sur le principe des phases scalaires [en construction/in progress]
. musique-jeu : 1984 : Jeu des Parasites Gonflés
. « La musique improvisée » réflexions
. Le quatuor vocal : LES VOIX FILANTES : 4 voix voltigeant dans l'espace
. Composition / Improvisation (réflexions en évolution)
. Modifier pour sonner autrement la GUITARE ELECTRIQUE
. Les instruments de musique et la composition musicale
. POUR-FAIRE-COURT, glossaire de mots corrompus au sens original restauré [en cours de rédaction]
. La musique de l'espace : topophonie, scénophonie, géophonie [en cours de développement]
. La hiérarchie et la musique
. L'EXPLICATION : le problème de la connaissance, pour le savoir
. La partition et la musique
. Les règles. Les Lois ? Ça, sert à quoi ?
. Le jeu pour la musique : la forme musicale logique après l'oeuvre ouverte + les musiques-jeux du compositeur
. À quoi sert écrire la musique ?
. Le combat inconstructif entre anciens et modernes entre passé et présent entre vivants et morts : pour que ça cesse
. L'apport du JEU pour libérer la musique
. Les échelles nonoctaviantes qui ne se calculent pas à partir de la division du ton [à achever]
. Les Éphémèrôdes Cardent des Chrônes, musique-jeu créée en 1984 et toujours actuelle au XXIe siècle
. Glissements scalaires et mouvements du diapason
. Scalairisation des intervalles de la série harmonique : source de génération d'échelles nonoctaviantes
Also, there are important things to know
The Idle Idols
Les Idoles Désoeuvrées
“Whilst being continuously present in the internet network and having survived almost three decades, our website--it is yours too--witnesses the modulations of the appearance of, "what is necessary and what was judged not" [sic]; how tools are changing the shape of the html websites, including CSS and scripts. Scripts were the first interactive tools to animate to amplify the sense of what was communicated. In other words, to help users to better understand what it is they're interacting with. Today, these programs and their purpose for interactive educational weaving and peaceful gaming has been forgotten. In the 21st century, scripts have become a weapon utilized by businessmen and politicians to steal private information from internet users. Nevertheless, ever since the 90s, the purpose has never changed for true artists. It was and is always "to share the joy of our artworks with all humans from the world". Real artists focus to produce the content with original artworks, not the appearance as empty containers.
Many would assume that platforms such as social and wiki media would be a great way to know the alive artists art works, but it is just a public encyclopedia that unfortunately became a tool of worldwide propaganda to false the history. Ignorant and aggressive users falsify general knowledge by claiming that they themselves are the professionals of, "the right knowledge" [sic]. For example, soldiers who brag about how proud they are to be responsible for human erasing. This war on internet communication only ever had one purpose, to annihilate human intelligence. Artificial intelligence is proof of the decline of human intelligence. This is because if AI exists, it is due to the existence of mindlessness of humans--which can be taught--as it grows voluntarily and self-reinforced. Computer programs don't have anything to do with intelligence, rather they tend to create a false belief that the programmer is able, "to [believe to] control the world" [sic]. Fully believing that they'll be able to cease their own pain by inflicting it onto others. Only programmers with this 'illness' are able to project their life into this pain. To live without their own power to choose and decide. Stupidity, in this sense, can be defined as governing people through ignorance and fear.
In 2000, when the internet--at the time it was known as free network--invaded, business workers and government workers used it to control the flux of information (i.e., force people to act against their will) through doing what they do best, war. This started the trivialization of antipathy. Like every war, this one gave rise to desolation and by its permanency. In the process, it destroyed people's self-awareness, free will, and personal consciousness. This defined the state of mediocracy. It began with a political war against original art and music in 1981, the avant-garde. This political war against artists only stopped 40 years later, in 2021, due to the rise of a new war, the epidemic war. This war's purpose was to erase old, enslaved people, "useless for the economic political domination of the world" [sic]. In the end, just like aids, it failed. However, it did increase fear among people.
Today, the internet has become a global store and the major gossip media. To keep people in this deep ignorance, the generalization of fake and falseness is the major goal of this world communication war. For the industry of slavery to exist, ignorance and constant fear are essential. Industry of slavery is owned by enslaved humans (sick by excess of fear) and managed by politicians (which is why politics is harmful). To annihilate the new century human slavery fully depends on every individual's personal intelligence. But the aggressiveness from these 'new Internet clients users' reveals how our species can be easily swayed to live their own life with another's will.
Shaping a human's will and behaviour is easy to provide them with desolation and their abdication through their complete submission for total obedience. But the question stands, why do we go to war to annihilate communication between people? The war is called "security". Idleness is essential to maintain the slavery industry. Why do we have to spend so much energy to maintain the global war, instead of doing the opposite: increasing human intelligence? State of war reveals only the fear of the aggressors. It's why some artists in the 90s wanted to make the internet network a source of knowledge and gratification to help trapped humans out of their slavery.
The corruption of this knowledge became the first attempt of the internet war, which started 24 years ago. But real artists, unlike the fake ones, are still alive today and are incredibly passionate about never stopping the creation of new-unknown-to-know artworks, which are given for free through the internet.”
Mathius Shadow-Sky, July 2023
rewrited (to be understandable) by Solune Sadowsky
The first text hard to understand:
The Idle Idols
“To survive almost 3 decades, being present continuously in the Internet network, our book website (which is yours too) witnesses the changes of html pages appearance by “what is necessary and what was judged not” (sic); how tools are changing the shape of the html web sites, including CCS and scripts. Scripts was first interactive tools to animate (to amplify) the sense of what was communicated = to help to understand better. Everybody today forgot the programs from the 90s and their purpose for interactive educational weaving and gaming. Several html centrebombe pages was built with artistic approach (= absence of purpose to control the users) with scripts, invisible today with usual browsers. Scripts became in 21st century a weapon for business men and politicians to fish private information from the Internet users. But for us, real artists, since the 90s, the intention never changed: it is always “to give generously our artworks”. To do that, we just have to stick to the content [= artworks] and not like most websites, to the container [with no content].
Social media is an other invention to give the illusion being closed to every one [which is a paradox being alone behind a screen], and became the first place for fishing private information. To feed also police's files: private information is essential for the police force/violence to exist. The major public Internet encyclopedia who became (voluntary) a tool of worldwide propaganda: to false the general knowledge, with aggressive ignorant people claiming being the guardians of “the right knowledge” (sic) erase every true knowledge. All these people are aggressive soldiers (without war pension) being “proud to be a responsible part of the human decline” (sic). For what really? This Internet World War to control communication has only one purpose to reach: human intelligence annihilation (= the destruction of the ability to resolve ourselves any problem). AI existence is a proof of human intelligence decline. If Artificial Intelligence exists, or claimed to exist, it is only because human reinforced ignorance exists, and more: if Artificial Intelligence exists it is because human ignorance grows faster than expected. Human ignorance is so easily voluntarily educated and self reinforced to exist, only by self abdication. Personal abdication is necessary to enslave the world. A computer program has nothing to do with intelligence. Only to fulfil the frustration of the programmer: “to [believe to] control [= to enslave] the world” (sic). These people are convinced and believe to stop their pain by hurting others (sic). Only sick people can project their life in this general cultivated pain, and choose to live without their own power to be able to chose and decide for themselves. If stupidity governs most of people, it is because ignorance and fear is the source and master of their abdication to live in slavery.
In 2000, the invasion of the Internet (free network) by business and government people, with the purpose to control the information flux (i.e. to make people acting against their will) by doing what they only know to do the best : WAR, started the global amplification of trivialization of antipathy. Social media is used as weapon to hurt people, especially teenagers. The political intention was to transform Internet in a global supermarket where customers' private life is no longer private. This war provoked, like every war, the desolation of human life by destroying people's self-awareness, and free will. Personal consciousness is drowned and trapped in false believes. This is called: the STATE OF MEDIOCRACY. It started with the political war against original art and music in 1981 [the so hated avant-garde!]. This war against (real) artists stopped 40 years after: in 2021, with the viral epidemic war called the Covid viruses where the purpose was to erase old slaved people “useless for the economic political domination of the world” (sic). But like the Aids, it failed. But it increased fear and anger among people.
Internet, in the 21st century, had became a global store, and the major gossip media. Internet became the weapon to maintain people in deep ignorance. The generalisation of fake informations and false knowledge is the major goal of this World War Communication. Without ignorance and fear, slavery industry cannot exist. There is some sick humans who want to own human kind being managed by politicians. We are responsible to cure these people to stop the global human pain and decline. Stopping the industry of human slavery depends on each personal grown intelligence. But the constant presence of the aggressiveness from “Internet [clients] users” reveals how human kind can be agreed to live its own life with an other will [than their own] in constant pain.
It seems too easy to shape a human will and behaviour to obtain his desolation and above all his abdication by his complete submission for his total obedience. This is what it is called: “security”. War gives occupations to people who do not known what to do with their live. If war exists, it is only because idle humans [= with no purpose to live] exist: ready to live to be commanded to injure/harm others [believing to kill others will kill their pain! But the result is the opposite: killing others reinforces the pain of the killer].
Idleness has to be constantly cultivated to maintain the profits of the slavery industry: the power. Why to war to annihilate communication between people? Humans exchanging information grows human intelligence. Why to spend billions of dollars that would be useful to generate the opposite? To grow up human intelligence? Every one knows the answer.
This is exactly why, starting in the 90s, few artists work to make the Internet network a source of knowledge and real pleasure, with their artworks for free. This, to help to free all trapped human out of their slavery. The corruption of knowledge is the first attempt of the Internet War, started 24 years ago. But real artists [there is so many false] are still alive and fully productive to never stop to create new-unknown-to-know artworks given for free through the Internet network and elsewhere.”
Mathius Shadow-Sky, July 2023.
Le site web bilingue français/anglais [presque => les aides sont les bienvenues] du compositeur existe pour le plaisir du savoir de la musique.
Le site a été créé en 1997 pour : 1. résoudre l'absence de communication et l'effondrement et la destruction du marché d'échanges des musiques, et
2. maintenir le lien constamment ouvert entre l'artiste et les mélomanes.
Mais il apparaît clairement depuis ce temps : l'absence des mélomanes. 2023 - 1997 = 26 ans.
L'absence des mélomanes est apparue même avant, dans les années 80 : lorsque la curiosité est devenue synonyme de peur.
Craindre l'inconnu rend les humains prêts à être gouvernés. Un être humain sans curiosité devient stupide et dangereux pour les autres.
Pour l'artiste vrai il est impossible d'abandonner de créer de nouvelles œuvres d'art inconnues-à-connaître,
même après la dévastation du monde de l'art et de la musique.Courte conversation entre le mélomane et l'artiste:
- Qui a provoqué cette dévastation ?
- Toi.
- ...?
- Content de te revoir :)
Any request?
Any question?
Contact the composer
entrée du site / website entrance