“What is recorded music? A type of music you listen through loudspeakers. Converted vibrations into electricity and reconverted in vibrations by the typical loudspeakers diaphragm. All converted vibrations (of music) are restored by the only one model which it is: the loudspeakers and its diaphragm. All different “genre” of music are passing through this one medium model. Logically all vibrations produced by loudspeakers should becoming from the same family. It is why there is no distinction among all listenable recorded music: as genre distinction. All music listened through loudspeakers was passing through the audio range: the family name for recorded music should be: loudspeakers music. The loudspeaker is the end of the range. There is no necessary distinction of style inside recorded music. But recorded music would be more intends for archives: to keep the memory of what historical musical activity was practised: to give an idea to future generations. Archives grows up humankind historical memory. And that process fixed permanently the music for ever: it will never change. The one way to change is to be re:composed by today’s artists which use recorded music as a sound material to create their own recorded music. The difference between live music and recorded music is enormous: recorded music is a testimony, a souvenir of what we imagine it could be (most of us was not at the live performance). Live music is what it is now. Recorded music drive us to think how and what it could be. We are touched and we excite our own imagination with what it could be music: our growing up lacks. Lacks in chain endless repeated. Recorded music generates in us gigantic lacks of needed present, transformed in a simulated orgasm built by our imagination driven by recorded music. Recorded music stays in souvenir context and made up souvenir, like an old photo of your family: an improbable dream generator, like fallacious commercials. With recorded music we are living in the past: in “schizophonia”: a temporal permanent displacement: in a de-contextualization, a time marker of non sense. We generate an imaginative past to recreate lost pleasures. With live music we have the pleasure of the present here and now. Present is the guard of health mind, but we are living in our past... in recorded world: in a gap of frustrations.”
Qu'est-ce que la musique enregistrée ? Un genre de musique que l'on écoute à travers des haut-parleurs : une chaîne de reproduction. Des vibrations converties en électricité et reconverties en vibrations par le diaphragme typique du haut-parleur. Toute vibration convertie de musique est restaurée, par un seul modèle qui est : le haut-parleur. Tous les différents « genres » de musique traversent ce seul médium : le haut-parleur. Logiquement, toutes vibrations produites par un haut-parleur sont de la même famille. C'est pour cela que nous comprenons qu'il n'y a pas de distinction possible entre les écoutes des musiques enregistrées : en genres distingués. Toute musique écoutée à travers des haut-parleurs passe à travers le filtre de la chaîne de reproduction : le nom de famille de la musique enregistrée devrait être aussi : musique de haut-parleurs. Le haut-parleur est le bout de la chaîne de la reproduction sonore. Il n'y a aucune nécessité à distinguer les différents styles de la musique enregistrée puisqu'elle n'est qu'un souvenir (enregistré) reproduit pour soi dans l'écoute privée. La musique enregistrée est plus destinée à l'archivage (le souvenir fabriqué pour l'histoire) pour garder en mémoire l'histoire de la pratique musicale destinée aux générations futures. N'est-ce pas une illusion ? Les archives encombrent la mémoire historique de l'humanité. Ce procédé fixe la musique pour l'éternité qui ne changera jamais. N'est-ce pas une illusion ? La seule façon de changer cela est d'être re:composé par les artistes du présent qui utilisent la musique enregistrée comme matériau sonore pour créer sa propre musique. La différence entre la musique enregistrée et la musique vivante est sans commune mesure : la musique enregistrée est un testament, un souvenir fabriqué ce à quoi on pourrait imaginer comment c'était (en général et majoritairement nous n'avons pas assisté à cette musique en concert). La musique vivante est ce qui se passe à vivre maintenant. La musique enregistrée nous conduit à imaginer ce à quoi cela aurait pu être. Nous sommes touchés et nous excitons notre propre imagination de ce que pourrait être cette musique : une culture de nos manques en développement. Nos manques en chaîne répétés sans fin. La musique enregistrée génère en nous des absences, des frustrations, des besoins de présences, que l'on transpose à des orgasmes imaginaires et simulés. La musique enregistrée reste dans le contexte du souvenir et en fait un souvenir, comme une vieille photo de famille : un générateur de rêves improbables comme les publicités fallacieuses. Avec la musique enregistrée, nous vivons dans le passé : dans une « schizophonie » : en déplacement temporel permanent : dans une décontextualisation, avec des repères temporels inutiles. Nous produisons un passé imaginaire pour entretenir des plaisirs perdus. Avec la musique vivante, le plaisir est ici et maintenant. Le présent est le gardien de la santé mentale, mais nous vivons dans le passé... dans un monde enregistré : dans un gouffre de frustrations.
mathius shadow-sky, 1996.
les disques du centre de la bombe independent since the beginning in 1983myster-shadow-sky-unexpected-waves-production
centrebombe records- Who cares about the medium more than music?
- As artists, we don't.listed by catalogue number
#ObCD 01-1979 - [for now] 15:25.
. Music for 5 electric guitars performs by 3 different musicians [for now] for 3 different music from the same score: the atomic cucumber of new music. Musicians are invited to joint the 3 of them: myster shadow-sky, stephane marcaillou, cyril marche. Grab the music score in pdf here and return your performance in the centre of the bomb: LAMPLAYER - LUDUS MUSICAE TEMPORARIUM
# ObCD 02-1980 - 55:13.
. First music of the lamplayer 5000 years after with a common object: an architect lamp not prepared playing the Game of Time.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GIVE A TITLE TO THIS PHENOMENON BECAUSE THE INEXPRESSIBLE BEYOND THE EXTREME EDGES OF SPACE AND TIME HAS NO NAME
# ObCD 03-1983 - 60:41
. Music for classical guitar played with long wood-stick-bow technique: the arco-guitar-couchée + BORING SPACE: 10 years after remix with the Digital Interactive Noise Random system.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - DïNGX
# ObCD 04-1985 - 51:50.
. Music on 3 original Bauhaus Musical Instruments: the Fonics built by the Bauhausian Jean Weinfeld.ONO LULU filharmonia - JE SUIS D'AILLEURS
# ObCD 05-1986 - 55:32.
. Music with the Polish orchestra Ono Lulu Filharmonia and guest opera singer: Miss Justina Jarzabek.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - 6SSSSSSX+2eX
# ObCD 06-1979/1986 - 52:22.
. 8 extreme solo musical studies with different sound tools like: FM radio, sponge, mouthpiece, trombone without mouthpiece, musical instrument for tourist: drum from Africa, old EMS synthesizer, cheap electric guitar, laughs, etc.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - LES EXPLORATIONS DE PAROLES SAINT-ETHIQUES
# ObCD 07-1987 - 63:24.
. Saint-phonic music and songs with exponantial macrototone nonoctave electric guitar.ONO LULU filharmonia - LA COMMEDIA DEL SUONO
# ObCD 08-1988 - 52:58.
. Music with the Polish orchestra Ono Lulu Filharmonia and guest opera singer: Miss Olga Szwajgier.TRIO FONICS - BAUHAUS NEOFONIC
# ObCD 09-1990 - app. 30:00.
. Chamber music composed by Myster Shadow-Sky & Pierre Bastien for the Trio Fonic and played on 12 original musical instruments from Bauhaus built by the Bauhausian Jean Weinfeld.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - OPERA [TION] DELLA BOCCA D'AMORE
# ObCD 10-1988/1993 - 9:21.
. in memoriam Demetrio Stratos. Shadow-Sky's voice pieces : "la Prière", "la Bouche", and "Pour en finir définitivement avec la religion".ALEXIS BOSCH - DIE KUNST DES CHAOS
# ObCD2t5-1992 [n° boschien du catalogue] - 56:40. le disque du centrebombe 1992.
. Alexis Bosch est compositeur et pianiste. De Toulouse à Paris où il réside, il se passionne pour les formes indomptables principalement issues du chaos ou ce qui est perçu être du chaos par la science. Il autopublie dans les années 80 un ouvrage : La théorie du chaos où il fait le bilan de ce qu'on sait et ne sait pas de l'affaire. À constater la décadence de la musique savante, Alexis Bosch propose avec un logiciel informatique générateur de musiques chaotiques, un compagnon concertant. Die Kunst Des Chaos est le résultat musical de ses recherches scientifiques. Avec Alexis Bosch (composition et piano), Roland Auzet (percussions) et Michel Thouseau (contrebasse).Le lien Alexis Bosch et Mathius Shadow-Sky
Alexis Bosch et Mathius Shadow-Sky se sont rencontrés durant leurs études de compositions où ils fréquentaient ensemble les cours de Daniel Charles et de Iannis Xenakis. Ils ne se voient que rarement durant cette période parisienne, celle de la décade 1980 qui commence la dégénérescence du milieu de la musique savante. Ils n'échangent rien n'ont plus quant à tout ce que concerne la composition musicale contemporaine. Mais ensemble, ils font des coups, des provocations. Un à la radio avec entre autres l'interprétation en directe de Pli selon pli chanté par un fou sorti de l'asile psychiatrique. Un, à l'institut ircam où ils donnent à entendre une fausse musique composée du discours remonté de Pierre Boulez mêlé à un enregistrement porno basique vendu dans les sex shops avec en font les musiques superposées de son ennemi Iannis Xenakis. En 2002, Alexis Bosch invite Mathius Shadow-Sky pour la création de Jeux & Interdits au festival de guitare dont il est le directeur à Torcy près de Marne-la-Vallée. C'est tout. Rien d'autre.KARIOKA THE DIVINE - KARIOKA & MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - 4 TABOO SONGS
# ObCD 11-1992 - 23:35.
. Four songs by the Polish famous 70s TV actress: Karioka singing in French.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - STRANGE NIGHT WITH MYSTER SHADOW-SKY
# ObCD 12-1994 - 60:00.
. Musique-concrète for body-moving.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - MANGE
# ObCD 13-1994 - 25:09.
. Shadow-Sky's solo voice live transformed by computer tools & device.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - LA FARSA DEL SONIDO
# ObCD 14-1994 - 10:22.
. Music for 7 keyboards, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, strings, choir and percussion composed by Myster Shadow-Sky in 1992. presentation page. In this record, there is 2 versions: 1. The 1994 Istanbul 12-tone version, and 2. The 2013 Tachkent/Alma-Ata nonoctave 19 nonoctave keyboards version.THE LAMPLAYERS - 5000 YEARS AFTER, MUSIC FROM THE GENOSCOPIC KALANDAR
# ObCD 15-1995 - 60:24 + 43:51.
. Music from the clay tablet: the Genoscopic Kalandar discovered in the Indus Valley and dated from 3000 BC. Music performed by 2 Lamplayers 5000 years after.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - 6 000 000 000 DE VOIX SANS AIR [NOW 7]
# ObCD 16-1991/1996 - 42:17.
. Voice music from Palestrina to Shadow-Sky composed by Mathius Shadow-Sky.TRANS-CULTURAL SYN-PHONE ORCHESTRA - SYN-PHÔNÊ NO1
# ObCD 17-1996 - 63:18.
. Myster Shadow-Sky conducts and composes for the Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Orchestra de Forgues #1 [25 musicians].THE LAMPLAYERS - aLIVE IN NEW-EUROPE AD
# ObCD 18-1997 - 49:19.
. Second album live of 2 Lamplayers 5000 Years After.S.P.O.R.T. - TO BE DEFINITIVELY DONE WITH RELIGION
# ObCD 19-1997 - 63:16.
. S.P.O.R.T.'s opera trash rebellious music with drum'n bass'n guitar with Don [drum], MarkAnge [bass guitar] and Shadow-Sky [9-tone electric guitar'n composition].TRANS-CULTURAL SYN-PHONE ORCHESTRA - SYN-PHÔNÊ NO2
# ObCD 20-1997 - 66:23.
. Myster Shadow-Sky conducts and composes for the Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Orchestra de Forgues #2 [83 musicians].ALOOF PROOF & MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - ALOOF SKY IS THE PROOF OF SHADOW
# ObCD 21-1997 - 56:20.
. Distorded noisy music with Shadow-Sky playing the Blue Sky Cellocubic and Aloof Proof playing electro-guitar.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - KNOTS SYSTEM IN MIAMI
# ObCD 22-1998 - 54:07.
. Multicultural music with a couple of speakers (Maritza & Sharon) saying text of Ronald D. Laing from his book "Knots" in Miami.THE HOUSTON CCMM ARTCHESTRA
# ObCD 23-1998 - 53:48 of collective music
. Collective music composed by the Collective Composers Music Makers from the University of Houston with: Chris Theofanidis, Kevin Patton, Robert Boston, Ron Ochoa, Eric Mc Entyre, lead and conducted by Myster Shadow-SkyKARLHEINZ STOCKHAUSEN RE:COMPOSED vol.1.01
# ObCD 24-1996/2003 - 73:19
. Karlheinz Stockhausen's pieces are re:composed by 12 composers who are: PVH, Matthew Ostrowski, Andrea Martignoni, Alfred Harth, Falter Bramnk, Nicolas Brasart, David Fenech, Toy Bizarre, Acapulco Laps & le Vieux Thorax, Techtel Mechtel and Myster Shadow-Sky the initiator of the project.
The presentation page of the re:composition project since 1996. Karlheinz Stockhausen re:compositions page.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - THE RAW VOICE OF COOKED EXILE
# ObCD 25-2000 - 71:03.
. Mathius Shadow-Sky in his 3 years of exile (1999-2001), released this album in Rio de Janeiro. He compiled technoïfied brazilian rhythms with his raw voice singing.and cloning.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - OH! A SHADOW IN THE SKY
# ObCD 26-1998/2000 - 41:33.
. Electronic dance floor music made with friend's PC in 1998 and 2000,
including the famous: Sensual Music for Brazilian Pot Smokers made in 2000 in Rio de Janeiro.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - INFECTED OR IMPERFECT LIFE?
# ObCD 27-1999 - 61:16.
. A body pressure live act music, an album recorded for DJs to be mixed for dance floor mass with a live batucada. And incomplete music for dance floor, 161 bpm 66:16 mn set 4 dj 2 mix, to be mixed with other sounds and music.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - 23 MINIATURES FOR TV
# ObCD 28-2002 - 23:00
. miniature music with singing robot, for?
24 MINIATURES FOR TEMPORAL VARIATIONS - failed commercial album!
# ObCD 29-2002/2003 - 2:00 SINGLE
Music with Ketut Pasih in Bali (Indonesia), short transcultural music.
[+ not included the performed ambiences recorded in Bali where the pieces should be made with Falter Bramnk but this is not yet published]. presentation page.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - PIANO WORKS 2000
#ObCD 30-2000
Pianos music: "3 Ephémérôdes partis du Milieu de la Bombe" (2000 version); four 2010 versions are avalaible at the centrebombe archives free netlabel under the date of 2000, "Le Piano peut-il Sonner sans les Noirs ?" is it lost recording?, kept by the Brazilian pianist Fernanda Canaud. "Jeux & Interdits, the pianos version will joint the collection?: See down below at #ObCD84-2023.. MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - 3 CONTES POUR ENFANTS
# ObCD 31-03 - 20:52.
. Myster Shadow-Sky raconte en musique : Loulou, 1 héros, et 2 grenouilles.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - ORPHANED MUSIQ ORPHELINES
# ObCD 32-2001 - 77:37.
. 13 lonely pieces found between 1987 to 1999 in a trash: is that trash music? Or orphans family like we are most in our white world?WIND OF SKINS - WE SPEAK WHALES' SONG
# ObCD 33-2000 - 64:20.
. Night music for asleep cities. Silent music played by Myster Shadow-Sky [trumpet in C] + Jorge Ribeiro [bowed doublebass] in Rio de Janeiro 2000.THE LAMPLAYER AND THE MACHINES - TI.ME HAS NO AGE
# ObCD 34-2003 - 74:07.
. 4rth lamp music album. Double concerto for lamp, voice and orchestra of 161 lamps.
Double CD: first one with complete music and second one with orchestra only.
Recorded at Coloursound Studio in August & October 2003: sound engineer & producer: Garp.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - JEUX & INTERDITS
# ObCD 35-2002 - 16:59.
. Quadra Teub-System principle for cloned nonoctave 9 tone electric guitar, drum and orchestra. A quadraphonic concerto for voice, and nonoctave 9 tone electric guitar. The world première of the music was made possible by the Alexis Bosch's invitation to sound the music at Torcy near Paris.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - WAITING MUSIC FOR BORING ROOMS
# ObCD 36-2004 - 157:21.
. Silenced and impersonal denoised computer music for impersonal places = Sonic Installations for Boring Rooms and Places, 1993, 2002, 2004.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - LE REVE DES FEMMES-POISSONS
# ObCD 37-2004 - 62:09
. Sonic installation where the music is hidden by the sound of continuous splashing water from the pool working as a mask.S.P.O.R.T. - TO BE DEFINITIVELY DONE WITH DEMOCRACY (2005 garage version)
# ObCD 38-2005 - 30:19.
. 4 titles garage album recorded in June with drum' n guitar at Cesam recording studio.THE SHADOW-SKY-ENSEMBLE #1 - LES LEZARDS ETRANGES DES UNIVERS IMPROBABLES, episode 1
#live.rec.14sept2005 # ObCD 39-2005 - 2:07:26
. hA_vec : Myster Shadow-Sky (compositeur, chef d'orchestre, lampe archisonique, voix, trompette, clavier et autres instruments), Hélène Sage (objets sonores), Donus (percussions), Alexandre Piques (percussions), Fedaden (ordinateur sonique), No I.D. (ordinateur sonique), Stéphanie Marchesi (soprano colorature, clavier), Pierre Cuffini (Cristal & Structures Sonores Baschet), Caroline le Méhauté (hang et installation plastique), Rénaldo Gournier (sonorisation spatialisée & enregistrement audio).THE SHADOW-SKY-ENSEMBLE #2 - LES LEZARDS ETRANGES DES UNIVERS IMPROBABLES, episode 2
#live.rec.12oct2005 # ObCD 40-2005 - 1:18:49.
. hA_vec : Myster Shadow-Sky (compositeur, chef d'orchestre, arco-guitar, lampe archisonique, trompette, ordinateur & autres instruments), Dominique Regef (violoncelle & vielle à roue), Saïd Daou (viole de gambe), Alix Quéritet (contrebasse), Guillaume Gendre (contrebasse), Christophe Calastreng (guitare électrique), Cyril Marche (ghimbri, tampura & Ashbory basse), Stephan Garcia (guitare basse), Hervé Richaud (guitare basse), Iris Lancery (mezzo soprano), Eric Volpatti (percussions).THE SHADOW-SKY-ENSEMBLE #3 - LES LEZARDS ETRANGES DES UNIVERS IMPROBABLES, episode 3
#live.rec.19nov2005 # ObCD 41-2005 - 1:37:23.
. hA_vec : Myster Shadow-Sky (compositeur, chef d'orchestre, trompette, synthétiseurs, guitare électrique, voix crooner et autres instruments), Masako Ishimura (flûtes), Fanny Sauvageot (flûte), Elisa Trocmé (clarinette et clarinette contrebasse), Anaïs Andret-Cartini (trompette, trompette à coulisse, flûte, voix), Alix Quéritet (contrebasse), Hélène Sage (objets sonores, voix), Iris Lancery (mezzo soprano), Maylis Isabelle Boufartigue (comédienne), Stéphanie Marchesi (soprano colorature & guitare basse électrique), Laetitia Dutech (batterie), Christophe Calastreng (sonorisation & enregistrement audio).THE SHADOW-SKY-ENSEMBLE #4 - LES LEZARDS ETRANGES DES UNIVERS IMPROBABLES, episode 4
#live.rec.14dec2005 # ObCD 42-2005 - 1:16:37
. hA_vec : Myster Shadow-Sky (compositeur, chef d'orchestre, pvc-sax, trompette, sampler, synthétiseurs, guytare, bali flute, voix et autres instruments), Yannick Puybaret (saxophone alto & tenor désaccordés), Thomas Fiancette (clariflûte & autres), Johann Bourquenez (claviers chercheurs de tons : 5/8eme), Alexandre Piques (percussions & drum), Henri Demilecamps (ordinateur sonique), Christophe Calastreng (sonorisation & enregistrement audio).THE ANTI-SHADOW-SKY-ENSEMBLE #5 - THE CENSORED ORCHESTRA
(the LEZARDS ETRANGES DES UNIVERS IMPROBABLES the composition of the episode 5, was not released)
#live.rec.11jan2006 # ObCD 43-2006 - 2:18:10.
. hA_vec : Myster Shadow-Sky (rassembleur, propositeur, Cellocubic = violoncelle cubique du Bauhaus, Lampe Archisonique, guytare9 électrique, voix et autres instruments), Aloof Proof [UK] (guitare électronique), Masako Ishimura (flutes for "Ourdission"), S.P.O.R.T. with Myster Shadow-Sky (guitar), Donus (drum), Herve Richaud (bass guitar) & Roger Cazenave (synthesizer), Stéphane Marcaillou (électric guitar for "Cauchemar Atomic") , Jean-Pierre Albert (drum-percussion for "Quasi Mortal Bedroom"), David Segala (sonorisation quadriphonique), Christophe Calastreng (spatialisation quadriphonique et enregistrement stereo).ALOOF PROOF & MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - ALIVE IN UNBELIEVABLE UNIVERSES
# ObCD 44-2006 - 52:30.
. Live recorded album the January 11th 2006 in Toulouse where Myster Shadow-Sky with Aloof Proof are recreating the world.LES ENTREPRISES GLORIFIEES - LE FILM ROUGE
# ObCD 45-2006 - 31:35 + 30:00.
. Live recorded album the June 21th 2006 at MixArt Myriss Toulouse with the Red World screening. EG are Donus (drum), Macrocoma (electronics), & Myster Shadow-Sky (archisonic lamp & voice).MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - HELP inTension de secours
# ObCD 46-2007 - 30:41
. A concerto for double trumpet and 4 different orchestra: symphonic, insect, noise and, electronic. Performed by Myster Shadow-Sky as an appeal for wisdom to people that get crazy about human exploitation and submission against freedom.
music & video.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY & L'EXTREME SONIQUE SANS CONCESSION REUNI - De l'Extase la Musique Extrême
# ObCD 47-2007 - 183:92
. A quasi- and erotic opera on Georges Bataille books for : the Women Screaming Choir (7 screamers), mezzo-soprano, 2 drummers, quadragraphic trombones set (4), electric contrabass, sonic computer, cello cubic, electro-guitar, analogue synthesizers, sampler, 9 ton electric guitar, speaking voice, singing male voice, quadraphonic P.A., video projection on 3 screens. Libretto by Mathius Shadow-Sky, Georges Bataille & Charles d'Orléans. Where we try to understand human life.
music & video.Download the bootlegs of the oratorio for free
Download the quadraphonic ouverture and finale of the oratorioNICOBLAST & MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - L'EXTREME SONIQUE SANS CONCESSION REUNI - le centrebombe 5
. An explosive drums and guitar music in 5 explosions.
# ObCD 49-1995 - 28:05.
. The accidental recording was done after the first movie of Philippe Lacote at the recording studio of le centre de la bombe in Forgues (France). They was three acoustic guitar players waiting and mathius shadow-sky decided to play "the incredible story of Rangoun Kloblar" with all of them. The engineer recorded the session with two microphones somewhere in the studio but not in front. And this is it, the saved session of Rangoun Kloblar story. 1995 accidental recording from "4 forgotten musicians"THE LAMPLAYER AND THE MACHINES - INSIDE OF MY ALIVENESS
# ObCD 50-2006 - 33:08.
. The 2005 / 2006 Lamplayer & the Machines tour. Here, the end of the Villefranche performance was recorded. Pictures are from Berlin performances.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - UN VOYAGE AU BOUT DU POSSIBLE DE L'HOMME
# ObCD 51-2008 - 42:44.
. A turbulent fog in winds music performance based on human limits with Georges Bataille texts [and censored music creation by a Toulouse theater director with no serious reason]. The result gave a ghost music with missing musicians (the Female Screaming Choir, the blast drums, the cellocubic, the 9 tone electric guitar, the arcoguitar, and the fog environment: a solo orchestral machine music reduced from hexaphony to stereophony. And a double creation in 2012.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - RECONCILIATION
# ObCD 52-2009 - 41:00.
. Spiritual electronic music with the vibration of Universe.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - LES COMPLICES DU SILENCE
# ObCD 53-2009 - 61:00.
. Concerto for Organized Virtual Orchestra in quadraphonic space, meteor electric guitar, and others in center. With 4 VJs shooting slogans surrounding the audience.BACH, CHOPIN, SATIE RE:SOUNDED
# ObCD 54-2010 - 50:26 of morphed piano music
. Re:tuned, re:sounded classical piano music.
N'est-il pas temps de s'ouvrir à d'autres champs scalaire pour la musique
# ObCD 55-2010 - 65:15.
. a live act given by Myster Shadow-Sky during his illness in November 2010 with a solo analogue synthesizer (the Korg MonoPoly). The music as "Imperfect Or Infected Life" in 1999 is to be mixed with other music and sounds..MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - LE CHOEUR PARLANT DE FILLETTES ARTIFICIELLES DIT GEORGES BATAILLE
# ObCD 56-2012 - 25:18.
. a composition for the Artificial Speaking Girls Choir, 28 Georges Bataille's speaks about erotism and anguish. The Choir is extracted from the bigger work and orchestra of Un Voyage au Bout du Possible de l'Homme (A Journey to the Edge of the Mankind Possible).MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - COMMENT JE T'AIME
# ObCD 57-2012 - 1:20:58.
. a music performance given in 2011 from a love message received between 1990 and 1994 with a high sensitive feeling of love.
Une performance solo créée en 2011 avec un message d'amour reçu entre 1990 et 1994.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - 12 MUSIC TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR
# ObCD 58-2013 - 68:05 music for film.
. music for the movie: Love thy Neighbour directed by Benoit Maestre.
Musical cultural stereotypes with disconcerting ingredients.ALOOF PROOF & MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - A BRIEF RETURN TO EARTH
# ObCD 59-2013 40:03. The 3rd album of Aloof Proof and Myster Shadow-Sky, live recorded in Barcelona where the concert was violently stopped by the Spanish police.SECRET - LE SECRET DES MODULES ETRANGES
# ObCD 60-2013 - 1:53:57. . "They settled Bertrand, Christophe and Mathius in a rare, and exceptional situation for a music performance, in the dark time without duration and timetable: a sacred time (missing nowadays). Michel Mathieu the famous Ring theater director gave them the time, 3 hours with the audience to bring out from the music the sublime. This new musical acoustic'n lighting inspiration experience | no P.A. | mixing electric, analogue electronic, and acoustic musical instruments as Asian Vietnamese zither Dan Tranh, the Pekingese violin Jinghu with Bertrand Fraysse's gongs drums, and Christophe Deflorenne's forbidden bulbs: together it creates with the Myster Shadow-Sky an unidentifiable "non-cultural music" far away from the measurement of mechanical clocks, to experience a journey into an unknown space-time to escape elsewhere and touch the sublime."S.P.O.R.T. UNRELEASED REHEARSAL
# ObCD 61-2004 - 30:03 of garage wild recording
Rehearsal music, state of S.P.O.R.T. in 2004, the trio of distorded load electric music (with voice) with: Donus [drums], Myster Shadow-Sky [nonoctave electric guitar, voice], RV Richaud [bassguitar]. presentation page.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - LES FANTÔMES DE L'EPHEMERÔDE
# ObCD 62-2014 - 1:43:09
. "Revolutionary as Johann Sebastian Bach the Well-Tempered Clavier three centuries earlier, the Mathius Shadow-Sky Nonoctave Pianomorphe starts the beginning of a new Western musical adventure with his Scalar Fields theory: for 300 years development? Note that the music (the catching pianomorphes) of the album has nothing to do with the Ephémèrôde Cards of Chrones' recital. Pictures too." [1] Download the worksheet of the Myster Shadow-Sky recital performing the Ephémérôde Cards of Chrônes' music. 2013 Diary/Journal de la/of the création. A propos/About nonoctaves scalar fields..MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - L'EPHEMERÔDE CARDE DES CHRÔNES live in Krakow
# ObCD 63-2014 - 2:03:38.
. Krakow 2014 live performance of the Ephemerode Cards of Chrones invited by Marek Choloniewski to perform at Audio Art Fest 2014.
web page diary of the recreation. And also online: the video of the concert.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - DOES IT RAIN IN OUTER GALAXIES?
# ObCD 64-2015 - 1:13:18 + 1:13:21 = 2:26:39
. Does it rain in outer galaxies? is 2 times 74 minutes of live time travel with performed electronic music: inevitably attached to space (why? to escape, space idea is necessary), of SiFi outer space adventure beyond everything known (beyond our imagination). Music with 5 synthesizers: the digital Forest synthesizer + the Arcoguitar in DINR sine synthesizer + the British EMS VCS3 modular analogue synthesizer + the Japanese Korg Mono/Poly analogue synthesizer + the digital sine bass with bouncing bowl: all, live performed at different time: 2012 + 1991 + 2013 + 2014 + 2015. Est-ce qu'il pleut dans les galaxies extérieures ? est 2 fois 74 minutes de voyage temporel de musique électronique jouée avec 5 synthétiseurs : inévitablement attachée à l'espace (pourquoi ? pour s'échapper, l'idée de l'espace est indispensable), d'une aventure spatiale de science-fiction au-delà de tout ce qui est connu (au-delà de notre imagination).MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - PAR LES PLIS, PASSE LA BOUFFE
# ObCD 65-2015 - 1:06:25 + 3x29:12=1:27:36 = 2:34:01
4 music to escape slavery.
# ObCD 66-2015 - 1:03 (for the music) not released on DVD, the film is on a world tour in film festivals
. "The Vibrations" (1:04:58. 2015) is a musical film directed and composed by Benoît Maestre based on Myster Shadow-Sky's music and concerts from 2007 to 2014. A movie with Mathius Shadow-Sky's edited music by the film director himself. The fragmented Shadow-Sky's music used in the film was A MUSICAL NONSENSE and by necessity and emergency reorchestrated, recomposed. This music is the result of a rescue mission of the damaging music by the cinema. The film is now 2016 online at Luciole prod. Take the album "The Vibrations Explained", without any images.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - HUMAN MUSIC
# ObCD 67-2017 - 40:33
An unexpected transcultural meeting with the japanese voice: Minami Saeki, made this album of 6 songs.
'Its unlistenable human part, to rejoice your sad soul?'. Grand Prix du disque Jean-Claude Eloy.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - THE UNANSWERED & UNASKED QUESTIONS
# ObCD 68-2017 - 2:12:52
music to think, music to colour your silence | official release: December 8, 2017
page de réflexions, page of thoughtsMYSTER SHADOW-SKY - VIVRE L'ESPECE HUMAINE ou Le Délire de l'Ignorance
LIVING the Human Species or The Delirium of Ignorance
# ObCD 69-2019 - 1:53:54.
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: December 1, 2019 |
2.4Gb 7zipped file of 4Gb 8 channels spatial electric guitar music, including a 26x26cm book.LES GUITARES VOLANTES - NI BÊTE NI DIEU NI MONSTRES
# ObCD 70-2020 - 62:29.
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: September 1, 2020 |
1.05Gb 7zipped file of 3Gb 8 channels spatial electric guitar quartet music.
with a 21x21cm book about Les Guitares Volantes 3 years history, and other surprises.LES GUITARES VOLANTES - EXTRAACTION DE LA FOLIE ORDINAIRE TRIOMPHANTE
# ObCD 71-2020 - 44:35.
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: October 13, 2020 - RESOUNDED November 24, 2020.
0.9Gb 7zipped file of 2Gb 8 channels spatial electric guitar quartet and trio music.LES GUITARES VOLANTES - MYSTERIUM AERIUM
# ObCD 72-2020 - 72:36.
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: December 1, 2020
1.4Gb 7zipped file of 3Gb 8 channels spatial electric guitar quartet and analogue synthesizer music.LES GUITARES VOLANTES - JOUENT LES EPHEMERÔDES CARDEURS DE CHRÔNES
# ObCD 73-2021 - 63:59.
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: March 15, 2021
1.02Gb 7zipped file of 2.7Gb 8 channels spatial electric guitars and pianomorphes orchestral music game in relay.
# ObCD 74-2021 - 78:57.
[OCTO+STEREO] | official release: March 21, 2021 [done in January 2021]: rerelease December 25, 2021.
1.54Mb 7zipped file of 8 channels & stereo spatial electric guitar and analogue synth of: sad in sky music.ABDESLAM MICHEL RAJI & LES GUITARES VOLANTES - RESPIRE !
# ObCD 75-2021 - 26:12
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: April 1, 2021 |
582Mb 7zipped file of 1.1Gb 8 channels of breath, percussion and electric guitars spatial musicSOLUNE BABY & LES GUITARES VOLANTES - SATURE
# ObCD 76-2021 - 58:24
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: May 1, 2021
1.1Gb 7zipped file of 2.49Gb 8 channels of baby voice and electric guitars spatial musicLES GUITARES VOLANTES - ATTRACTIO & REPULSIO
# ObCD 77-2021 - 81:54
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: September 1, 2021
1.3Gb 7zipped file of 4.31Gb 8 channels of electric guitars spatial orchestral musicLES GUITARES VOLANTES - LA GRATTE
# ObCD 78-2022 - 95:44
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: March 22, 2022
1.3Gb 7zipped file of 4.4Gb 8 channels of electric guitars spatial orchestral musicLES GUITARES VOLANTES - PIÈCES ANTIPÉDÉMAGOGIQUES & PÉNIBLES - RENCONTRE AVEC LES INCONNAISSABLES
# ObCD 79-2022 - 107:27
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: September 2, 2022
2Gb 7zipped file of 7Gb 8 channels of electric guitars spatial orchestral musicMYSTER SHADOW-SKY - GRÉGARITÉ
# ObCD 80-2023 - 70:04
[STEREO reduction, OCTO on request] | official release: January 26, 2023
222Mb 7zipped file from 8 channels of a keyboards spatial music ensemble
or why every one lives far from the present in hope andor regrets ?
[please... do not mixed up hope with desire!]
# ObCD 81-2023 - 95:24
[STEREO reduction only, from OCTO only on request] | official release: May 11, 2023
110Mo 7zipped 5 stereo files from 8 channels tracks of spatial electric guitar polyscalar musicJEAN-YVES BOSSEUR x LES GUITARES VOLANTES = TARTARES
# ObCD 82-2023 - 52:36
[OCTO + STEREO reduction] | official release: September 1, 2023
Les Guitares Volantes electric guitar quartet perform the music of the composer Jean-Yves Bosseur.
who wrote a score especially for the electric guitars quartet with a bass guitar.MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - RIEN ! OU PRESQUE
# ObCD 83-2023 - 89:55
[STEREO reduction, OCTO tracks on request] | official release: September 21, 2023MYSTER SHADOW-SKY - PIANO RECITAL OF 6 COMPOSER'S WORKS
# ObCD 84-2023 - 91:26
# ObCD 85-2011 - 9:37
[SINGLE STEREO ONLY] | official album release: January 3, 2024
Gherasim Luca, voice & the author of the poem
performing together: "Passionnément" with
Mathius Shadow-Sky, nonoctave double keyboard piano.
more music at centrebombe audio archives paradise
andor at myster shadow-sky discography
r e c o r d i n g s - i n - p r o g r e s s
records In Progress
. New work with blast drums, the Screaming Female choir, cello, violin, 251 tone electric guitar, OVO the virtual computer orchestra, and suspended metal drone;
American people through their Union do not aloud French people to perform in the United States.
. Opera for one human voice, two virtual voices, artificial voices & 13 cloned voices.
2004. THE LAMPLAYER & THE MACHINES - unISOLATED & unDUPLICATED the recipe of freedom
. The purpose is to create an arena lamp orchestra where the listener is in the middle to understand the isolation and duplication of totalitarian politics.
. 4rth album of the band.
since when? 2009
myster shadow-sky is looking for new rock musicians since 2017
. Music with Ketut Pasih from Tejacula, ambiences played and composed and recorded in Bali, May 2002.
# ObCD 29-2002. the TRANS-CULTURAL SYN-PHONE ORCHESTRA - SYN-PHONE NO3 "nos Traces de Vie à Titre Provisoire, [trans-form 13-47]"
c o l l e c t i v e - p r o j e c t s
mathius-shadow-sky-unexpected-waves-production centre bomb collective Ob-CD catalog
. Karlheinz Stockhausen's pieces are re:composed by 12 composers who are:
PVH, Matthew Ostrowski, Andrea Martignoni, Alfred Harth, Falter Bramnk, Nicolas Brasart, David Fenech,
Toy Bizarre, Acapulco Laps & le Vieux Thorax, Techtel Mechtel and Myster Shadow-Sky the initiator of the project.
# ObCD 24-96/03 - 73:19.PIERRE HENRY RE:COMPOSED vol.2.01
. Next re:composed project # 2: Pierre Henry pieces are remixed today by 4 composers who are:
Fedaden, Richard Riewer, Falter Bramnk, Myster Shadow-Sky.
We are waiting for the others...EDGAR VARESE RE:COMPOSED vol.3.01
. Next re:composed project # 3: Edgar Varèse pieces are remixed today by 7 composers who are:
Falter Bramnk, Alain de Filippis, Laurent Dailleau, Igor Stevanovic, Dick Acidsoxx, Androvirus, Myster Shadow-Sky.
We are waiting for the others...IANNIS XENAKIS RE:COMPOSED vol.4.01
. Next re:composed project # 4: Iannis Xénakis pieces are re:composed today by 4 composers who are:
. Igor Stevanovic, 19, Lefteris Papadimitriou, Glen Scott Hall. We are waiting for the others...GYORGY LIGETI RE/COMPOSED vol 8.01
. Next re:composed project # 8: Gorgy Ligeti's music are re:composed today by 1 composer only:
. Dick Acidsoxx
We are waiting for the others...THE HOUSTON CCMM ARTCHESTRA
. Music composed by the Collective Composers Music Makers from University of Houston with Chris Theofanidis, Kevin Patton, Robert Boston, Ron Ochoa, Eric Mc Entyre, and lead by Myster Shadow-Sky.
# ObCD 23-98 - 53:48.Collective Music Composers Project, or: How to compose and create music together,
is one of the workshop who gives Mathius Shadow-Sky since 1997.
Contact the composer.THE ................. CCMM ARTCHESTRA
. Music composed by the Collective Composers Making Music. We are waiting for the next CCMM Artchestrâ... Universities, schools of music, etc, wake up! Time to share your capacities with other composers!Collective Music Composers Project, or: How to compose and create music together,
is one of the workshop who gives Mathius Shadow-Sky since 1997.
. Wo-men's Composers and Performers from all around the world. In a same disc.
Each album represents different cultures attached together by what todays alive women composers create.
This first record concerns the women's composers and performers from any country and continent.
An unexpected meeting of young women from all over the world who compose experimental music in the beginning of XXI century.
The question is: what the new generation of women composer are doing ? This collection of these albums will be the answer.
The project was launched in 1996, but no one since, never answered!
MODERN MUSIC FROM CHILDREN OF THE WORLD vol.1.01 Music for children by children.
. Children's composers and performers from all around the world. Each album represents one (or more) country or city. The first album concerns the children's composers and performers from Miami USA conducted by Irene Valdez.
If you are interested to participate to one of these collective projects
please contact Myster Shadow-Sky at friends@centrebombe.orgto the collective project page
i n o u t s i d e - p r o j e c t s
. Alexis Bosch composes, conducts, and plays piano with Roland Auzet, percussion and Michel Thousseau, double bass.
He produced this CD for Le Disque du Centre De La Bombe who became a net label in 1997. .
Not an album, but 47 octophonic [8 channels audio files] slices from the Organized Virtual Orchestra to perform the game concerto Try to Catch Me! with one or several soloists with the keyboard player the space orchestral music gamer.
. Esquina Carioca is a Rio de Janeiro band lead by Jorge Ribeiro that plays Choro, Samba and traditional Brazilian music for pleasure. This CD was recorded by Mathius Shadow-Sky in May 2000 in Rio de Janairo.
# ØbCD O2-00 - 40:27. 2000.
t h e n
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in 1996
in 1996
Myster Shadow-Sky with Giancarlo Siciliano
decided to undertake different records collections
representing musical tendencies in the Centre of the Bomb:SCIENCES & MUSIC A scientific contribution to the musical creation. Collection opened by Alexis Bosch. ex#1 ex#2 ex#3 EXPLORATOIRE All instrumental music played on one instrument: acoustic, electric, electronic, transformed one, a sound system, or an object as musical instrument etc. played by one musician. ex#1 ex#2 ex#3 ex#4 ... VOCE D'AMORE Music who explores and experiments the animals or human voices. ex#1 ex#2 ex#3 ex#4 ex#5 ex#6 POP SONG AT THE EDGE Propose an other-making-vocal-music songs where the texts have importance, a crucible for song exploration. ex#1 TRANSCONTEMPORARY WORLD MUSIC Represents the stream of music around the world through its proper contemporaneity, or in other terms the digestion of its own renewing independence of the occidental music's evolution. ex#1 ex#2 ex#3 MODERN MUSIC FROM WORLD WO-MEN COMPOSERS Support the works of wo-men's composers and performers from all around the world. Each CD represents one or more culture. The first CD concerns the wo-men's composers and performers from China, Japan & Korea. world wo-men composers' announcement page since 1996 OMAGGIO ALLA MUSICA CONTEMPORANEA Propose to different young composers, musicians, DJ, sound designer etc. to realize a RE:COMPOSITION (a digestion) of emphasis composer's piece from the XXth century contemporary music : 1rst homage : KARLHEINZ STOCKHAUSEN : CD "Karlheinz Re:composed"; 2d homage : PIERRE HENRY : CD " Henry Re:composed"; 3rd homage : EDGAR VARESE: CD "Edgar Re:composed"; etc. re:composed page FALSCHE TEKNO ABER BODY MOVING Techno music is a huge space of musical possibilities. Its basic is simple: give to people dancing with electronic sounds. Unfortunately an outside observer of Techno-movement remarks the different chapels or tribes of agreed particular fixed style which doesn't mixed between them. This collection is to make electronic dance floor music free of this point of view. ex#1 ex#2 ex#3 OPERA -TRASH Represents the renew of classical opera form without concession and respect of ancestral rules. ex#1 ex#2 ex#3 ex#4 ex#5 ex#6 ex#7 ex#8 ex#9
Everything in this record label was cancelled by obligation [in 1997]:
- Why?
- All distributors refuse to work with small records labels,
and the promotion could not be done if no records was in the stores.
Mostly the big ones.
In addition:
All the big records shops and dealers removed all the experimental and avant-garde records from their trays.
- Why?
- Too few people was buying "these" records.
- But without any promotion, how these records could be bought?
- Here is the core of hypocrisy of the deal: the expulsion of all original music from the market was a global will from every one.
- Why? If there was so few people listening these music, how these music could deserved to be erased from the market?
- Who wants to answer to that question?
- All music carrying the idea of freedom was and are erased from the music market.
- And where are all theses removed records now?
- In the trash of the economy?
- This expulsion started since the beginning of the 80s of the 20th century.
- The consequences is: The flux of music production since is broken: Nothing can be produce in original music to get back the investment [even with no profit].
- And the most painful is all this generates the actual culture, art, and music misery who shape our societies to follow a strong mediocracy.
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who is the fellow?
Is the shape of sound.
Being in the centre,
is being at the source of sounds.
le Disque du Centre de la Bombe = Bomb Center records = BC record = Before Christ records