
S.P.O.R.T. is a group of friends musicians lead by Myster Shadow-Sky based on concept "to be definitively done with...". Each album focus one major problem of our civilization, and try with simple words to face the problem. The music is based on hardcore trio : drum and bass and guitar (a unique 9 tone guitar) with voice, plus invited musicians like femal choir, oboeist, EMS synthi player, home made percussion player, etc., depending of the project. The music principle is to mix "serious" and hardcore music. Hardcore gives the basic energy and Serious gives tools for subtile compositions (that was the same principle with Ono Lulu filharmonia in Poland but with jazz basics).

t h e   p e c i a l i s t s   o f   r o b l e m s   b s c e n e   a c i s t   a n d   a b o o 

  t r e a t   m a j o r   t a b o o   p r o b l e m s   o f   o u r   W e s t e r n   c i v i l i z a t i o n

political Trash Opera


To be Definitively done with Religion

drum'n bass'n guitar pO

political Opera
the trial of the Church,
which practice more than 2000 years of abused power, in 12 crimes:

crime 1.
 The Church, an eternal gentle worship of Disaster.

Act 0
crime 2.
 A bad story of lost paradise
with a cosmogony of final destruction,
this is the origin of our catastrophy-spirit.
Drama, this heavy skin on our breath.

Act 1
crime 3.
 The Christ Suffering makes just the propagation of this epidemic virus,
and these sick people are recognized by their particular state:
an innocent-stupid blissful ready to kill.

Act 2
crime 4.
  The mothers seduced by the Church,
learn how to transmit the guilt virus to their children.
This is a permanent injection of suffering
to get the Power on these weakened human beings.

Act 3
crime 5.
 To enjoy the Power,
the Church made of God-symbol a Judge
who sentences to the eternal punishment or to the eternal salvation.
Erased, are all other alternatives.

Act 4
crime 6
  The Church because of the Holy-Murder
has to engage itself in shrewdness and lie,
absurd sexual practices unjustified and banalized in the confessional.

Act 5
  The Religion self-proclamed guard of the unfathomable Mystery of life power,
enthrones the lynching by the holy-Cross (created to torture)
as an excuse and good consciousness
to the necessity of slaughtering imaginary enemies of their faith.

Act 6
crime 8.
  The Church sows the trouble in minds in confession
and then flatters itself to rescue the illusory misery in the world, like this, launched.

Act 7
crime 9.
  Religious feeling is a mawkish mask of the "good sentiment"
which hides the lie of God's congregation.

Act 8
crime 10.
 The pervert Church hides and feeds the Christ's penis saying:
"my flesh suffers but my spirit gets orgasm."
Clerical practices that justify their inflicted Tortures.

Act 9
crime 11.
 God says:
"Be fertile and increase in number, fill the Earth and submit it":

is the massacre of our planet by trampling and the origin of death-camps.

crime 12.
 The perverts of the purity work without release
at the sustain of the hate: "continue to dream."






total crimes judgment duration 62:56


crimes titles description text, to other side of the book-let



People of S.P.O.R.T. 1997
Donus: Drum
Markange: Bass guitar
Myster Shadow-Sky: 9-tone-guitar - voice - composition



Recorded Mixed & Mastered by Myster Shadow-Sky
@ Le Centre De La Bombe / Forgues

"The music of S.P.O.R.T. is extremely smooth and violent not in a compression of sounds but in a way of making it: Urgent-emergency. S.P.O.R.T. does not create songs like the major rock bands, but they play complexities with this unusual aggression. A "drum'n bass'n guitar Opera" like says Shadow-Sky who playing 9-tone electric guitar with an extraordinary velocity plus some incredible sounds generated by placing the bridge in between the two microphones: he calls his transformed guitar "the Meteor." MarkAnge plays unusually an usual 12-tone bass guitar (9-tone plus 12-tone?) which sounds like the [ø] phoneme for vomiting straight to the front: no fear but a deep passion for life. This music could be noisy but it's not: it's loud and emotional with the sensitive drum of Donus. Our editorial staff adores S.P.O.R.T. and we recommend you to do not miss their performance on September 28 at Les Arts de l'Etrange Festival. We will be happy to see their CD released, the music was recorded the 17th of this month at Le Centre De La Bombe."

Marie Simme, Mix.

judgment 5:44
judgment 4:15
judgment 5:02
judgment 4:00
judgment 2:12
judgment 4:29
judgment 6:58
judgment 6:35
judgment 5:59
judgment 6:33
judgment 7:12
judgment 3:57
crime 1:
crime 2:
crime 3:
crime 4:
crime 5:
crime 6:
crime 7:
crime 8:
crime 9:
crime 10:
crime 11:
crime 12:
Act 0
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5
Act 6
Act 7
Act 8
Act 9
 download mp3 go to 1997
To be Definitively done with the Religion

Opéra politique Poubelle


Pour en Finir Définitivement avec la Religion

guitare, basse, batterie, Op

Opéra politique
Le jugement de l'Eglise, qui patique plus de 2000 ans de pouvoir abusif, en 12 crimes

1er crime.
 L’Eglise, un éternel Culculte du Désastre.

Acte 0
2d crime.
 Une mauvaise histoire de paradis perdu
en plus d’une cosmogonie à finalité destructrice
voilà l’origine de notre esprit de catastrophe.
Drame, cette peau qui pèse sur notre souffle.

Acte 1
3eme crime.
 La souffrance du Christ n’a fait que propager l’épidémie,
et les malades se reconnaissent par leur état si particulier :
une niaiserie béate prête à l’agression.

Acte 2
4eme crime.
 Les mères séduites par l’Eglise
apprirent à transmettre le virus de la culpabilité à leurs enfants.
Une injection continu de la souffrance
pour le pouvoir sur les êtres amoindris.

Acte 3
5eme crime.
 Pour jouir du pouvoir,
l’Eglise fit du symbole “Dieu” un Juge-Condamnant au “Jugement Dernier”,
un salut ou un châtiment final et sans appel;
sans autres alternatives..

Acte 4
6eme crime.
 L’Eglise, à cause du Meurtre Saint
ne pouvait que s’engager dans l’astuce et le mensonge.
Une pratique illégitime et banalisée du sexe dans le confessionnal.

Acte 5
7eme crime.
L’Eglise auto proclamée gardienne des pouvoirs de l’insondable mystère de la vie,
intronise le lynchage par la Croix (outil de torture jusqu'à la mort)
prétexte et bonne conscience
au carnage “nécessaire” des “ennemis de notre foi”.

Acte 6
8eme crime.
 L’Eglise sème le trouble dans les esprits en confession
et se flatte de secourir la misère dans le monde ainsi

Acte 7
9eme crime.
 Le sentiment religieux est le masque mièvre du “bon sentiment”
qui cache le mensonge des fidèles de Dieu.

Acte 8
10eme crime.
 L’Eglise pervertie alimente le pénis du Christ disant
“ma chair souffre, mais mon esprit jouit”.
Des pratiques cléricales pour justifier les Tortures infligés.

Acte 9
11eme crime.
 Dieu dit:
“soyez féconds et multipliez-vous, remplissez la Terre et soumettez-la” :
ou le massacre de notre planète par le piétinement et l’origine des camps de la mort.

12eme crime.
 Les pervers de la pureté travaillent sans relâche
l’entretien de la haine : “continuez à rêver”.

hard corOpera
 download mp3 5.3Mo

_dOWNLOAD :  bookletout 1109Ko -  CD label 840Ko - bookletin 1510Ko - inlay card 1669Ko
_dOWNLOAD : the album 1997.myster shadow-sky - S.P.O.R.T. - ...Done With Religion

_dOWNLOAD THE S.P.O.R.T. ALBUMS FOR FREE: centrebombe free Shadow-Sky discography at year 1997, 2005 & 2004

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V  merryFast'nLoudMuSICia




political Trash Opera










































babies light medicine      





Next S.P.O.R.T. project taboo treatment:

To Be Definitively Done With the Democracy

People of S.P.O.R.T. 2004
Donus: Drum
Myster Shadow-Sky: nonoctave electric guitar
Hervé Richaud: bass guitar

People of S.P.O.R.T. 2005
Donus: Drum
Myster Shadow-Sky: 9-tones-electric-guitar, personal organ, EMS VCS3, sampler, composition.




here you can understand the 9-tone-shadow-sky-guitar

LezArds de l'Etrange, major center of the bomb live events

S.P.O.R.T. ObCD To Be Definitively Done with Religion
at the Disc in Centre of the Bomb ObCDs records label of the center of the bomb


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Les photographes qui ont pris des photos de S.P.O.R.T. durant leurs concerts en France doivent les envoyer au Centre De La Bombe pour les avoir sur la site: S.P.O.R.T.: e-mail svp